Chapter 9

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As soon as the door behind her closed, she rushed into the elevator. If she wanted to make it home on time to get in enough sleep for tomorrow, she needed to rush. And she sure as hell didn't plan on sleeping over at her mum's.

Quickly leaving the apartment building, she went back into her car.

If her mother wanted her home today, then that was what she would do, no questions asked.

The sky had almost completely darkened, another indicator that she should just go to bed and deal with this tomorrow but she wouldn't dare disobey her mother. Plus she liked driving in the dark. It calmed her in some strange way.

Putting the keys in the ignition, she turned on the car and began to pull out of the parking lot. She pulled out into the road and began to drive.

Thankfully, her mother didn't live too far from where she did, maybe half an hour or even less so it wasn't too much of a hassle. But even if it was, it wouldn't have changed anything; she would still go.

She had expected the nap that she had taken not too long ago in her car to attenuate her drowsiness but if anything, it seemed to make her even more exhausted than she was before.

She focused on the road as she drove, forcing her heavy eyelids to stay open. Minutes went by and before she knew it, half an hour had already passed she was already driving through the familiar streets that were all too dear to her childhood. It was dark so there wasn't much to see but the familiarity brought a wistful smile to her lips.

It had been almost a year since she had even been around here and she had to admit, it did make her feel homesick.

Finally arriving at her house, she pulled up into the driveway. She noticed a white car already parked in the driveway that wasn't her mum's. Her mother would never get the colour white for a car. She was too lazy to clean her car often so white would be the last colour she would even consider getting.

Sighing, she pulled her key out of the ignition and got out of the car, deciding to ignore the white car completely as she shut her car door behind her. Walking up to the front door, she reached to knock on the door but to find it to be already open. Frowning, she pushed open the door and walked inside.

How could someone just leave their front door open like that?

The house was pitch black with not a single light on. Reaching for the lights off to the side of the wall, she fumbled to find them before turning them on as the lights flickered on.

She had expected her mum to be in the house waiting for her but the deadly silence seemed to prove otherwise.

The greeting Thea received when she returned to her childhood home after a year was the furthest thing from pleasant. Although she was one to hold high expectations which were often never reached by the people she surrounded herself with, she never anticipated this.

She slowly took another step into the house, her mouth slightly agape at the view before her. All kinds of emotions pulsed through her and she wasn't sure how to react.

The leather couch in the living room was ripped open, the inside padding was on display. It was decorated with holes; so many that it was hard to keep count.

The once memorable living room wall was now completely covered with graffiti of a naked woman with her privates covered in red spray paint. The expensive TV that belonged across the couch was now gone and nowhere to be seen.

She could feel the anger boiling at the pit of her stomach. When she lived in this small place she had once called home, she had spent her sweet time and money on the 50-inch flat-screen TV that was now gone.

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