Chapter 11

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Letting out an exaggerated sigh, she leaned her head back on the seat hopelessly. Why hadn't she seen this coming?

She usually liked to think of every possibility that could happen but she hadn't this time. Why? Simply because she had assumed he would automatically say yes.

She picked up her phone once again, skimming over Elio's three-word reply once again.

Elio: No, I'm busy.

More like avoiding her.

It was clear that he didn't want to come; so why was she still hung up about it? She couldn't help but think that he had turned her down because of what had happened last night. Just when he was about to fuck her up against the wall of his living room, she had stopped him, despite how soaking wet and sexually frustrated she was. All because of the lack of a condom.

Cock blocker, her head mocked her.

She wasn't irresponsible or impetuous and for once, that didn't work in her favour. She wasn't about to fuck a man like that without any protection.

What did it matter? Why did she even care so much about him?

His text bruised her ego more than she'd liked to admit since she had automatically assumed he would jump at the opportunity.

The waitress walked over once again.

"Would you like a refill?" She asked politely, offering Thea a warm smile as she pointed to the drink.

Too discomposed to even meet her eyes, Thea averted her gaze towards the window next to her as she spoke. "No, just bring me the check."

The young waitress gave her an almost pitiful look before walking off. A couple of minutes later, she came back with the check, handing it to her. Thea paid for herself and handed the waitress the money before she walked off again.

Thea sighed, looking up towards the exit. Maybe she should just leave. But if Elio's definition of busy meant watching Family Guy in his living room, she would have to face him again as soon as she got back to his place.

She then glanced over at the restaurant bar not too far from her table. Her finger twitched, urging her to go towards the bar but she withheld. She knew the morally right choice would be just to leave the restaurant and call it a day, not get wasted at another bar again.

Glancing down at her phone, she read the message notification from Elio again. She pressed her lips together in apprehension.

After a long moment, she grabbed her phone and her purse before she slid out of the table and walked over to the bar.

"Bourbon on the rocks." She told the bartender as she propped herself onto the barstool, setting her things on the counter next to her.

Moments after, the bartender poured her iced drink before sliding the glass down to her.

Taking a large swig of the strong drink, she stared blankly at the glass, not sure how to feel. She wasn't angry or even irritated; she wasn't sure how to even feel at the moment. All she knew was that she needed more of the intoxicating drink in hand.

She wouldn't necessarily even consider herself an addict. She wasn't addicted. She just liked the feeling of pleasure and rapture booze was able to give her. Or maybe that was what she told herself to make herself feel better. Because deep down, she knew she was turning into her father; the drunkard that couldn't stay sober long enough to take care of his wife and children.

It didn't take a rocket scientist to grasp the fact that Thea had a drinking problem. It'd been a problem ever since she was a teenager, mostly because her father always had booze laying around the house somewhere. Her alcohol dependence had spiralled out of control the very first time she had gotten drunk. She loved how pleasant and gratifying the intoxicating liquid made her feel.

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