Chapter 17

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Gripping the steering wheel, she tried to focus on the road ahead of her rather than the millions of other countless thoughts running through her head. Why had she agreed to do something as ridiculous as this?

She was going to have to face both her mother and her father which was something she hadn't ever planned on doing. That itself was already a dreadful nightmare but to make it worse, she was going to have dinner with them. Tonight.

Although confrontation was her strong suit, it didn't apply to family matters. She'd prefer it if they'd just never speak to her again and let all of them happily live out their own lives; separated.

If she'd thought hard enough, maybe she'd even be able to remember the last time they ate dinner together. Maybe it was before her father got arrested.

She briefly glanced down at her hands, her knuckles beginning to sting. Her knuckles were turning white and it wasn't because of the death grip she had on the steering wheel but because of the icy wind repeatedly beating down on her hands. It was just above freezing but she still had rolled down all her windows to give her a chance to breathe and clear her head. If she had the money, she personally would've bought a convertible.

Glancing back up, she immediately slammed the brakes, realizing that she had almost ran the red light. She let out a groan of frustration, tightening her grip on the steering wheel even more if that was even possible.

Anybody who'd ever ridden in her car knew she had road rage but it was a pretty common thing. Plenty of people had road rage. Or that's what she told herself to make herself feel better about having the shortest fuse of the family.

Her personality was easily inherited from her father. In fact, she was a replica of her father except she was of the opposite sex. The same shade of light blond—almost platinum—hair, same gray-blue eyes, same hot-tempered yet sharp personality.

But she'd already made her peace with the fact.

She let out a slow exhale, biting down into her lower lip. She hadn't even realized that she'd already made it into the neighborhood. She paused at the stop sign, glancing down the road towards the house as her heart rate began to pick up. There was still a chance for her to turn right back around back to Elio's to get her stuff and forget any of this ever happened.

But this situation was unavoidable. They'd keep bothering her until she finally did what they wanted her to do, no matter how much she didn't want to. Because her family was persistent. At least her mother and her sister were. Her father clearly couldn't give a fuck less.

Letting out a sigh, she turned onto the road and drove down before pulling up into the parking lot of the house. Without waiting for another second, she took her keys out of the ignition and hopped out of the car, shutting the door before her and walking towards the house. Her stomach churned which each step she took but she chose to ignore it. She walked up the driveway, slowly making her way up to the front door.

Despite the freezing weather, she felt as if she was burning up. Her body was a much higher temperature than what it normally was but she just blamed it on the nerves. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she was about to knock on the door when the door swung open before she got the chance.

"Thea! You made it!" Her mother exclaimed happily. She was waiting for her.

Thea forced a smile before her mother let her in. As soon as she stepped in, her eyes immediately landed on her father, sitting on the living room couch almost as if he belonged there.

It wasn't that big of a deal but the sight ignited a new fury inside of her. She grumbled silently underneath her breath. This was going to be a long night.

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