Chapter 13

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The next day when Thea had woken up, she had noticed that she had woken up 6 minutes later than she had originally planned to. Her alarm hadn't gone off but thankfully, she would always wake up around a certain time, alarm clock or not. She had plenty of time. Or so she thought.

Walking to the bathroom, she found Elio long gone, which was nothing out of the ordinary during the time she had spent living with him. He'd always wake up earlier than she did which she figured was to go on his daily run.

If she was correct, sometime this week, she would be able to finally move out of his hair and stop being such a burden to him. A grown woman like her should be able to financially support herself.

Sliding out of her pyjamas, she let the silky red material pool at her feet before she stepped into the shower. She preferred to shower cold in the mornings. The cold water reassured her senses, washing the drowsiness away. After a couple of minutes of scrubbing her body and rinsing off the soap, she got out of the shower and secured a towel around her body.

She walked out of the bathroom and into her room to find an outfit for today. She picked out a white long sleeve v-neck with dark denim jeans, topped off with a black leather jacket. After pulling on her clothes, she moved to makeup. She applied a bit of blush over her cheeks and a bit of mascara before applying lip balm to her lips. Once she was done, she put her phone into her bag and headed out the front door.

The first hour or so of her day had gone by smoothly, that is until she ran into traffic on her way to work. After half an hour of slow moving traffic and honking, she finally made it to work, twenty minutes late.

Her mood had been ruined and her patience scraped thin so it wasn't hard to imagine how pissed she was when she drove down the parking lot, to find another car already parked in her spot. Apparently, the sign with the bright red words; Employee Parking Only in front of the parking spot didn't seem obvious enough to whoever's that car belonged to.

Letting out a sigh of frustration and giving the pristine white Tesla one last glare, she drove off to park in another spot.

As she parked her car and finally made her way into the building, she could feel her nerves finally begin to relax.

"Good morning." The receptionist greeted Thea as she walked past the counter, echoing back the same words.

"Good morning." She replied, smiling, ready to head to her office but the lady stopped her.

"Dr. Mckay," the receptionist called out her name, stopping her in her tracks. Thea froze, turning her head to face the lady. She raised an eyebrow in question.

"Yes?" She asked, her patience already running thin. She was already late and didn't want to keep her patients waiting any longer.

The lady turned to her computer, furiously typing and clicking away before finally pulling up what she was searching for. She pushed up her rimless glasses on her nose before turning her attention back to Thea.

"All of your patients cancelled today. The only person you'll be attending is Mr. Chambers." The receptionist informed her.

A look of surprise crossed Thea's face. It was unlikely for her patience to cancel like that.

"What? Why?" She asked, shooting the lady a quizzical look.

The receptionist shrugged. "It's Valentine's day. People want to spend time with their lovers instead of being at therapy."

Thea furrowed her brows. Valentine's day? And when did Elio schedule an appointment with her?

"When is the appointment for Chambers?" She asked as she pulled out her phone to check it was indeed the day of love.

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