64 Desire is...a happiness within a storm

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"Take my place back as the rightful Mrs Joo."

Seokhoon smiled at Rona's speech. He was glad Rona finally took action.

"I guess now you really can't count me off your plan." Seokhoon teased. "Mrs Joo."

Rona blushed. Thankful to the darkness, Seokhoon could not see her shy expressions.

"I have my plans..." Rona pretended that her heart wasn't racing faster than a race car.

Seokhoon laughed, placing his glass on the coffee table, as he leaned back onto the sofa, stretching his arm over his eyes to rest.

"I know." He smirked, letting out a soft sigh of relief. 

Sinking into the soft sofa, he was out moments later. 

Rona didn't realise Seokhoon was this drained out. She placed her glass on the table softly and tiptoed to her study room, grabbed a few blankets and covered them over Seokhoon. 

She moved close to tuck the blankets tighter around him so he wouldn't get cold. 

The closer she got, she didn't even realise her own actions. She had stopped her moves and started admiring the man's features. Besides looking much more drained than he was five years ago, Seokhoon's handsomeness, his accentuating features were still clearly visible. Those long curled eyelashes, that tall nose, those thin pink lips... 

Rona had a rush of memory of how he had once swept her in his arms and planted that warm lips upon hers. Her cheeks boiled at the thought of it again. 

"Gosh stop it, Bae Rona." She mumbled. But undeniably, and uncontrollably, she knelt by Seokhoon and observed his features. How she had missed those moments. 

She lightly reached her hand and landed her fingertips a few millimetres from the bridge of Seokhoon's nose. She slowly glided her finger down his tall nose, down to his lips. She didn't dare to touch it. Her hand only left midair. 

Suddenly, Seokhoon fiddled in his sleep, moving in another position, startling Rona, who instantly got up from her position. She fixed her shirt, pretending that nothing had happened, took her glass and bottle of wine, her phone and headed upstairs back to her room. 

In the darkness, Seokhoon opened his eyes ever so briefly. 

His heart ached. His heart beats. His heart fluttered. 

It was a mix of unknown emotions. 

But it was a clear signal. 

A clear signal of... 

I miss you. 

The next morning, 

Rona grunted as she rolled back and forth her queen size bed. Usually, she would fall into a deep slumber on the soft comforts of her blankets and pillows. But today, she had various kinds of disrupting dreams, more than she ever has had. She furrowed her brows as she fought the pain in her head. She didn't know how many hours she had slept through to gain such a static pain in her brain. It was like little waves of electricity running through her. She tightened her forehead a few more times before struggling to get up from her bed. In a weak motion, she supported her tired body against the backboard of the bed, gradually opened her eyes.  

She blinked a few times to get a clear view before her. Taking the phone charging by her bedside, she unplugged it and checked the time. 

11:30 am. 

Desirability-  Seokhoon x Rona ✔️Where stories live. Discover now