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Years have been passed. The sunray glistened through the window, a small and young Sugar Glider began moving around on its cage 

 The sunray glistened through the window, a small and young Sugar Glider began moving around on its cage 

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The cage door opened, refilling its bowl with mushrooms. You closed the cage door, walking toward your closet looking for clothes to wear

After looking for the right clothes, you began making hand gestures to make them longer which was part of your habit

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After looking for the right clothes, you began making hand gestures to make them longer which was part of your habit. You added a Dark (Y/f/c) poncho, since your clothes were quite different from the Encantos,you let your hair messy like a bird's nest,you made your way downstairs And thought of skipping breakfast.Walking down the hallways..It's quite and all can be heard is your footsteps,you went outside glancing around before walking down the road.The kids saw you, giving them a plain and tired face with a raised brow, making them run with fear. Scoffing your ears perked at a young female's voice singing and that sound belong to Mirabel, spotting her from afar singing about her and her family, you could care less. After the habit of walking around, you found yourself in a library Oh how you love to read. You grabbed a book and began reading peacefully, suddenly a hand banged on the table, you didn't flinch but looked up slowly, spotting a male with his goons, smirking like pigs made your eyes blazed with annoyance. They began spitting words at you for a while..Laughing and Crackling of how you didn't move a bit, your fingers began to harden the grip on the book. With a sharp inhale you started grabbing the male's shirt with ease making him huff, you observed him and his goons, thinking quickly Layton (y/n) threw his opponent on the walls, and one of his goons quickly darted at you making your head turn and dodge the attack, grabbing his arm and fling him on your back to the wall with his leader on the ground passing out, the last one on the other handheld his hand up in the air in surrender backing on the wall, you hit the wall with a foot next to his head which made him send shivers down his spine, moving your head forward to him. But it was interrupted with an old yell from behind "Layton!" turning your head quickly and releasing your opponent, fixing your gaze at the person which no other than Alma Madrigal. Your eyes narrowed and a low growl escaped on your throat, giving the woman a stare.

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