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It was dawn and Dreyden was in a suit, Eileithya help him fix his tie "I can't believe I agree to this" He aggressively mutter A groan escaped his throat Eileithya finished and replied amusingly "Yeah, Why did you agree to that?" Dreyden gave her a look of disappointment "It's alright Dreyden all they gotta do is just let Mariano propose to Senorita Perfecta then Done" She smiled proudly, placing her hands on her hips "Uhmm.." Dreyden trailed off, glancing on the other side "Spit it out Dreyden" Layton ordered "Alright fine" He sighs, defeated Dreyden didn't want to start an argument no people ever tried to mess with you nor your Father "My tia decided to invite you guys too" he announced calmly, Eilethya's jaw dropped "No" You said straightly, eyes narrowed and hands gripping your book "Uh- yes" Dreyden said back Did he just talk back in front of you? "No" you repeated but this time it was louder "Tia just want me to have some people who are close to me that's all" He understood Eileithya and Layton glanced at each other

You were all at the Madrigal's house having a nice dinner Sad thing is that your Father was still busy. Julieta, Pepa, Agustin, and Felix have their eyes on you, Why do you care anyway. You were sitting between Eilethya and Dreyden, the three noticed that Mirabel and Dolores had been eye contacting non-stop every time the others cover Mirabel's eyes Dolores moved and whispered to Camilo then his Dad who spat water on the Guzman Dreyden got spat and gave Felix a scowl, Felix moved to Pepa who caused a wide and dark cloud above "Pepa, the cloud?" pepa quickly braid herself in order to calm herself down Pepa whispered to Julieta The three glanced at Mirabel who was trying to act calm then got her head hit below the table "Mirable" Mariano called out "Everything ok?" He asks anxiously "Everything is great!" Austin answered with a wide smile Both of them tried to tell Mariano to propose Isabella quickly "What?" Dryden whispers to Layton and Eileithya, both shrugged. Out of nowhere Mirabel stand up and fell Mariano on the floor in a proposed pose Layton raised a brow at her Eileithya was anxious Dreyden was unease with this. Layton's ears perked at a crack below glancing where the sound came from but it seems like Mirabel tried to cover it Was it about the cracks? Suddenly Layton realised about the Vision Dreyden talked about He remembered that Dreyden's tia offer Luisa to get the piano, well she ended up crying out. Eileithya tapped Layton's shoulder showing him Antonio's animal re puzzling some emerald glowing cracks Dreyden made a "Woah!-" Mirabel went under Dreyden's chair causing him to fall behind. Everybody was frozen and confused Luisa kept on weeping Pepa's cloud went bigger the animals flew around Layton's breath was heavy and uncontrolled Eileithya tried to calm him "What is happening?!" Senora Guzman yelled Dolores bluntly yelled out of what will Mirabels gonna do about the vision everything The house cracked even more and Camilo shape shifted his head into a baby with a mustache a sudden plant cane out of nowhere and hit Marino's nose. Then it began to rain the door opened revealing the towns people announcing Felicade (don't know if this was the one-) Mariano went out crying and Senor Guzman went out with him Dona Alma trying to explain and the other madrigals went out yelling at Mirabel as they ran past her The three went out. And you were still having hard time breathing and both of them tried to calm you down "It's alright now, Inhale.    Exhale. " "This is a Disaster Dreyden!" Eilethya hissed

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