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'Pictures?' We'll that made your shoulders shrug in disappointment, but these pictures look familiar. Layton (y/n) tilt his head on the side with raised and furrowed eyebrows, holding the picture higher to make a better view. His eyes widened, gasping softly... He knew what picture this is it was him and his father and mother in his younger age, with less than a minute he let go of the picture watching it fall on the ground with widened eyes, backing up and stumbling on the floor his Sugar Glider flew down on the floor standing up and tilted its head, anxiously. You're left-hand gripping your hair and the other is on the floor sliding Eyes and body shaking and breath hitching, A sudden flash came in his eyes making him shake his head and grunt. Looking back at the picture and placing it back on the box quickly, Layton's (y/n) breaths began to slow down, he blinked and remembered what he was feeling 'Anxious, Sadness and Guiltness' Those words washed up and down like angry ripples. Standing up quickly, picks up his Sugar Glider, and teleports to the Kitchen (Teleport? Yes, Layton secretly has powers). As he was in the kitchen, he place his Sugar glider down in a cage and teleports an item in his hand, a mug. He tried to make tea for himself while stirring a memory came.

Young Layton (y/n) was at his father's office, joining the meeting, he felt boredom wash him. He stands up and asked his mother to go to the Bathroom, Zara nodded telling him where the bathroom is. You didn't ask where the bathroom is, you found yourself at the entrance of the building, and a man bump you making you stumble 'How dare he.. Guess he was late' You don't want to fight someone father would kill you A sound came from your necklace, it rolled on the stairs to the road, you went down and glanced at the cars running by. The wind was decisive, checking at the 3 lights saying red It was your opportunity to grab it, sprinting down to pick it up. The light turned green and unnoticed for Young Layton (y/n), he could feel something was incorrect.. Suddenly, A car came running to you beeping its horn making the boy gasp, there was nothing he could do He tried to cover himself and a push came out of nowhere landing him on the side of the road.
He placed a hand on his arm and looked back at the person, which... Made him feel shocked at the view "M-mother?" stammered anxiously, blood dripping from the body and red and blue lights flickered nonstop Father came and broke down in tears, demanding you to leave since it's jammed with cars The ambulance came and your father picked you up. Hours passed and the result failed Calypso as he heard the news, The nurse tried to let you see your mother as One last Glance, seeing her in a bed. Was this your fault? What will your father think of you? Hours turned to Days, It is time for her burial, multiple people came with roses, glancing at the Beautiful Grave with a loose spark of Hope

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