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Yells from Dona Alma ringed your ears in frustration 'Damn this old woman' "I hope your father will give you a proper punishment for hurting those men!"She barked, giving a glare from her. Layton (y/n) remained quiet in his chair with a plain expression, his hands were hung on his sides, finally, he glanced at Alma with a sharp look "First of all, My father is not here, he's at the outside world working.."Your tone was clipped and toneless "Secondly, I did not harm those men, they harm me first" you added, your voice was menacing and deep. You stood up and grabbed your jacket leaving the place, while walking away you spotted the men you fought as they saw you they began to shake in fear, making your lips curve into a small smirk. Making your way back home, you gave the Casita one last glance before disappearing in the dark with glowing Ivy eye color.

2 hours later

You let your Sugar Glider out, climbing around your body as you fixed the dusty boxes from the attic which was dark to see but a few Sunrays made their way through. Hitting the boxes with a towel made you cough up, a distant sound came falling with a thud made your head perked before turning your head as you spotted a box, his eyes narrowed, curiosity hit him like fire, standing up a bit and stumbling upon steps, you picked the rectangular box, blowing the dust off.. A sign on the top said "Memory" You muttered deeply, pupils squinted with interest, slowly opening the box with every move

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