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Layton found himself at the Guzman's house, chatting with Dreyden. Layton didn't speak that much, "Dis you had fun last night with the girl?" He asked, fixing his gaze steadily

Layton looked at him, almost making eye contact, with a blink How could he know? He wondered

"I had been watching you both" He spoke as he tried to read your mind "Well?" He impatiently asked

You looked down and replied "It went well"

"I also heard about the couple's relationship" Dreyden added as he laid back on his chair with a tired sigh

You felt unease about Dreyden's habit every day, he may not be muscular enough but Clever and so,

Layton dips his head farewell to Senora Guzman, His Ivy's eyes met Mariano from afar, making the muscular man flinch

Walking around town a sudden voice running behind you made you sigh in disappointment, that voice was young & shaky

The person finally caught up to you and tried to fix their breath then greeted "Hello Layton!"

Layton blinked at the loud greeting, giving the person a dip head in greeting

"Something you need Mirabel?" His voice was strong & deep, Mirabel laughed and scratched the back of her head "O-oh nothing! Just came to walk with you"

He hummed, trying to walk faster but the girl kept on following you

"By the way quick question, why did you push me off by the time I was trying to save the candle?" Curiosity hit her hard

"The large stone almost hit you. If it wasn't for me, you could have died in cold blood" You explained, Mirabel find your explanation menacing which made her make an 'Oh' sound

A few moments have passed Mirabel was still following you making one of your eyes twitch in annoyance "When are you gonna leave?"

"Hm?" She asked "Oh well, I will leave if you want to then" She chuckled nervously then raced away, fear hit her aimlessly

Layton stood still watching the girl retreat, giving a light yawn

Dolores was on her bed, trying to remember what happened yesterday, fingers lock onto another & bitting lips She felt excitement wash over her, savoring that time before standing up and going downstairs

A sudden knock from the door made Dolores blink, questionably. As she strolled forward to the door, Casita opened it for her, with a light gasp she spotted Layton there standing plainly with a dark backpack

"Erhhh... Yes?" She asked, awkwardly "Where is your Abuela?" Layton tilts his head to the side, waiting for the woman to answer "Oh! She's at the dining table, Why?" You blinked slowly "I have to speak with her"

Abuela's eyebrows furrowed "So, you're saying that you here to ask me if it is alright to stay here for a while yes?" Layton nodded

"And why?" Abuela raised a brow, adding another question, Layton tried to fix his gaze on the old woman in front then explained deeply "My father thought it would be better if I try to break my ice; this is the first"

Abuela tried not to argue instead she agreed, Layton found himself in Dolores's room glancing around "I do not know why She chose me to share my room with you" A groan escaped the small Woman's throat making Layton glanced at her with narrowed eyes

"It won't be that long" He hissed

It was very dark, Dolores wasn't asleep yet she stand up from her bed and tried to go get some water, she found Layton there. Sitting on a chair with glowing Ivy color eyes as his back was fully set

Dolores felt excitement and somewhat anxiety washing her stomach as she tried to follow Layton's stare

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