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It was early dawn, Layton's eyes fluttered slowly, glancing around. A light gasp came from him "Oh! Your awake" The person spoke softly, you backed up a bit. You yelled, "What are you doing here?" Eyes widen as you observe her "Uhm.. Your friend told me to keep an eye on you until you woke up" Dreyden? I didn't even agree to this "F{}ck" You quietly cursed yourself under your breath, trying to fix your gaze on the person in front of you

"Heard that" The woman spoke disappointedly

You remain speechless "Are you gonna leave now?" You asked hoarsely

Her cheeks were filled with a spread of bright crimson "I-I'm not leaving yet!" She stammered

"Where is he?"

"He well, went out to talk to a girl about her leave" She responded freely

Eilethya is leaving?

"Also!" You turned your gaze on the girl "You had a visitor earlier" She added

You raised a brow as you tip your head to the side "He was tall, had a pointy nose like yours, and he had two bodyguards with him"

You went speechless then gulp

"Here" she gave you a cupcake "Eat this, it will help straighten you up" You gladly accepted then took a bite, you were a sweet eater

The girl's eyes sparkled merrily "Expensive foods huh?" She began cracking a joke at you, Layton didn't respond but continued eating "I wonder who's that man is"

You glanced at her sharply but the girl didn't seem to notice your gaze "He's my Father" you murmur quietly

"Your Papi?!" She gasps making you jump and flinch a bit you blinked "Woah. No wonder you look rich I mean you do look rich but not the Richy rich rich" Her eyes sparkled

"W-why are y-you  so excited about it?" you stammered, covering your mouth with for forearm with squinted eyes and nervous lips

The girl's eyes widen then squeaked "Awe I've never seen you this adorable before" That made you have a spread of red crimson


"Ah! I have to go now my mami must be worried" She chuckled, you observe her
"Just to let you know.. I'm Dolores" she closed her eyes smiling at you before going out

'Dolores. Dolores'

You stood up slowly, changing your clothes and tired your shoes. He felt great being alone in a small, cold and peaceful room

A creak came out of nowhere "Layton?" you turned your head to see Dreyden standing up in the doorway with a plain expression but a distant emotion came into his eyes "Eileithya.."

2 hours later

"Must you go?" Dreyden ask with knitted eyebrows, Eileithya nodded then spoke "Don't worry boys. You two are still my favorites"

"Make sure to tell your family I said hi" Dreyden added, She giggles "Why not? My parents want to meet you again" She winks in a friendly manner.

Layton's gaze was at Dolores hanging out with her 'Boyfriend' Mariano, a sudden embrace from Eileithya went to you hugging you tighter "Take good care, Primo."

She steps back "Make sure to not do things like that in the future" she placed her hands between her hips with a scowl, with a perked head " Ah! I have to go now" She sprinted but before she went into the car she smiled at the two, Dreyden waved and Layton dip his head farewell

Dreyden sighed "Damn it. She left already" With a groan rumbling on his throat

32 minutes past

You were inside your house, climbing up the stairs with quick & quiet footsteps. Grabbing the handle of the door, opening it lightly with a nervous expression. Stepping in and standing like a statue

A tall figure stood up from his chair with a glowing glare and a groan came from him, This was the first time your Father has ever done things like this.

Layton tried to remain calm as he observe his father "I heard everything your Prima told me" He gritted his teeth, fixing his suit

Luckily the room was soundproof "Do you have any idea how risky that thing you did?" he slammed his hand on the table

You looked down then tip your head at him with a blink, hair shifting with every move "Did that make you trigger?"

Calypso narrowed his eyes unhurriedly

You closed your eyes with a soft tone "Then I'm sorry. I won't do it again" You glanced at him

Layton noticed his Father's eyes soften but his face was plain

You don't make promises hold forever

Turning around and leaving the room with a shut

A soaring creature came landing on your shoulder making you blink in surprise

"Sage... I'm delighted your okay" you praised softly, petting the female animal

A sudden sound ringed your ears making you glanced where it was spotting the towns people celebrating and notice the Madrigal's powers were back

Good for them

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