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You felt water sliding down on your face, looking at your hands and spotting water droplets on them 'Tears?' You stiffen, finishing the tea, and could sense your Sugar Glider sleeping, checking your watch ' 4:57 pm'. You quickly placed your mug in the sink and wipe your lips with wet a towel, opened the door, and wandered somewhere to meet someone.

38 minutes later

You spotted a dark figure about 1 foot away, tipping your head to the side as you recognize it. 'Siarl Dreyden Guzman' He had dark hair, Amber eyes. A curtain fringe hairstyle, almost dark eye bugs with a small cut on his lip and an orange band-aid on his cheek. He was wearing a big black t-shirt and dark jeans with dark shoes, with a silver necklace and a band-aid on the side of his neck with a Dark poncho and a necktie. (Pic above) Leaning against the pole, smoking as he spotted you, giving you a raised eyebrow making a circle of smoke flying in the air vanishing after Dreyden finally spoke "Well well well, look what we have here Layton" he dipped his head in greeting, you sat on the edge, beside the edge was the blue ocean, shifting up and down. You glanced at him slowly "What brings you here?" Dryden ask (your friend btw-) you remain silent "Quiet as always I see" He made a snarky stare. Minutes passed, you and your friend had been talking, ignoring the town's people passing by, you remembered that it was Antonio Madrigal's ceremony Hah... Why would you give a Damn? A sudden voice came echoing in your head 'Layton, come home' You tried to fix your gaze at Dreyden who had a questionable look "I'll be right back" you muttered deeply "Senor Jimenez called ya?" You hummed

You knocked softly, sliding your hands in your pockets a deep yet soft tone came saying "Come in" Your father was facing the window, not looking at you spotting a tea in his hand "You called me?" Calypso blinked and slowly turned his gaze on you, you, on the other hand, looked down a bit and can feel his gaze on you. "I heard you threaten my men that I ordered to keep an eye on you" he spoke deeply.

Flashback; You were walking down the road then gripped your hand, turning them white "Alright this is stupid." You hissed "Following me like that huh?" " Sorry, sir but senor Jimenez told us to keep an eye on you" You scoffed "Wow...Since when did that old man start to care about me?" the men came out of the dark, giving them a sharp look. Your eyes began to glow sending the men fear down their spine like they were at their end "Do I look like a person that needs protection?" your voice was menacing and aggressive "No sir" "Get out of my sight..NOW!"

You looked up and tipped your head highly, "Hah!" you belligerently yell "Is that why I'm here?" you throaty ask "no" that was all calypso can say, still having his dark gaze on you, you look down "Is it about the next heir?" You acerbically ask "yes" "I refuse to be your next heir" Calypso sigh "I knew you were gonna say that" " Then stop forcing me to be one Father. It's stressful" You turned around leaving the place with a loud bang on the door

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