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5 weeks has been passed

You stared down at the pretty flowers reminding them of your childhood when you and your mother were making flower caps

"Pretty isn't it?" A voice appeared, blinking then turning to the person who spoke

Isabella Madrigal, standing with a bright smile. she was different now. Her hair was now dyed and her purple dress remade

You nodded trying to fix your posture

"I guess you didn't go to the celebration yesterday" You blinked then raised a brow "Was supposed to?" Were you trying to scare the girl? (0>0")

A cool breeze flew by as you shifted your hands down your pocket as the Columbia woman studdered "I-i well u-um... Nevermind"

"I never saw you interact with anybody here" She realized. You weren't the type of guy who talks to anyone Only your friend and prima know. You were an introvert

"I find these folk people disturbing, honestly " You acerbically stated

Isabella felt like she was scolded but shrugged it off

"I like to meet you again" She announced giving you a smile

You remain speechless as your pupils wandered up and down on her Is this woman serious?

"I will see you around" You dipped your head farewell after

4 hours later

Layton stood still, not far away from his house. Watching the towns people.

"Bae!" A sudden embrace came making his hair jolt, eyes widen as they darted somewhere. Spotting no other than Dolores

"Oi..."You whispered yell "Listen, I don't know why I'm doing this but this is the only way this Guy to stop bothering me" She whispers back

Layton... Was confused. Blinking quickly then raising a brow, he heard something darting forward Looking up seeing Mariano

Layton's head turned to the small woman "This is my boyfriend!" She spoke merrily as she placed a hand on the tall man's shoulder

Aren't they in a relationship? Why is she calling me this? Why did she run toward me?

Mariano's eyebrows furrowed as he glanced at Layton then back to Dolores, asking "What is his name?"

Layton's pupils squinted waiting for Dolores to reply but all he heard was "Damn it! I don't know his name!"

A moment of silence passed, feeling a cold breeze slicing through them

"Layton" Layton broke the silence

Both of them turned to him

"That is my name" You bluntly spoke, glancing at Mariano sharply

He fixed his posture, walking slowly in front of Mariano. Dolores was behind him

"Listen here, I don't want any men to come near my girlfriend " You coldly ordered, gritting your teeth at the last part

Marian clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes before looking back at Layton

But, as he returned, he stood still suffering from Fear as he noticed Layton's head tipped lowly, hair almost covering his eyes but below the tall man's hair was glowing Ivy color eyes filled with somewhat Menacing in them

Marian sweats briefly then sprinted away

"Phew" a sudden voice of relief from Dolores came, walking forward to see if he's gone "Finally, he's gone"

"What happened to you two?"

She squeaks then turned around "Ah!.. Well, He cheated" She explained gradually

You were surprised then dipped your head as you understand "I pity you and his relationship"

Layton felt something in him. Pity? Is that what was he feeling?

Dolores looked up at you with a smile making you lost in thought "Thanks"

Layton heard her but he was lost from the small woman's smile

You shortly shrug it off then expand your hand for her to grab it.

Dolores looked confused, she had no choice. He held on to the tall man's hand feeling warmth in them.

Layton suddenly trotted her somewhere, hand in hand Dolores can't stop but feel a spread of red crimson on her face

She felt uncomfortable. Girls were whispering to each other in Jealousy, eyes were on them.

Luckily, Dolores's family wasn't around

After minutes of walking, Layton spoke "Pick" he ordered as they found themselves at a candy store

"What is this?" Dolores asked softly kinda almost disappointed yet feeling cared

"That is not an answer to my question" You shook your head

Dolores lips would be curved into a cheeky smile

The two had been eating together well, it was Layton's idea. He felt livable around the small woman

It was almost Dawn, Layton walked Dolores back

"Thanks for that! I enjoyed it" She admitted, finding herself at the doorway facing the tall man

Layton hummed then dip his head "It's a relief you enjoyed it"

Layton turned around and then stepped away. A sudden call made him stop as he recognized it "Layton!"

He turned with a blink. Dolores waved goodbye at him making his eyes sparkle with interest, then he walked away into the silent road towards his house

Dolores's heart rapidly skipped, her smile was still plastered on her face "What a caring guy" He murmurs to herself

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