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(Guys sorry that I can't draw or make Eileithya or Layton cause Dreyden is one of my Special Oc so yeah,)

As the house continues to crack, Dona Alma tried to tell the others that the Casita and their home were way more important but Julieta spoke that she was being too harsh to Mirabel. The three were outside glancing at the town with unease, Layton heard Dona Alma find Mirabel before strolling out to check the town. "Let's get out of here" Eilethya whispers, Dreyden nodded in agreement

Bruno told Mirabel about the vision telling her that her vision was undecided. So Mirabel decided to make another one but Bruno hesitated at first then accepted defeat

The house cracked even more and it can be heard from afar After Bruno made another vision Well this one made Mirabel get washed up in fury. The madrigal was still looking for her.

Dreyden was with Mariano making fun of his nose, Dona Alma came and Senora Guzman scolded Dreyden, He didn't care

After a few minutes of Dona Alma talking to the Guzmans, Eileithya tapped both of the boy's shoulders making the boys look at her questionably, following her gaze and spotting a few plants growing out of nowhere and one of them hit Mariano's nose and began whining in pain Dreyden laughed. Layton heard Mirabel's and Isabella's voices from afar glancing spotting them at the roof then falling together inside. You were about to go but Eileithya grab your wrist "Where do you think you're going, Layton? You not gonna go there are you?" Dreyden looked at you, with furrowed eyebrows. A yell from a distance was heard by the Three "Dona Alma is scolding Mirabel? Damn, she's no good" Dreyden muttered, getting hit by Eileithyia on the shoulder with a harsh punch. You tried to shut them off. But a large and wide crack came on the road, breath hitching but controlled Looking at the Casita noticing it was gonna break! Dreyden barely noticed that Mirabel wasn't there after getting dragged outside by Casita. "Layton! Mirabel" Eileithya signaled Layton to go, Layton teleported to Mirabel pushing her and falling together to the ground harshly, your head got slam, eyes blurry but managed to move your body Some of the items came driving in order to shelter both of us...But..

Your leg got hit making you hiss in pain. Your eyes were about to shut No I can't close them yet!

"LAYTON!" Eileithya and Dreyden yelled, their voices echoed in your head

Your eyes fluttered open as the orange sun rays hit them through the window, moving your head above with an unsteady gaze turning them steadily, spotting Dreyden sitting down on a chair then noticing you woked up "How are you feeling?" he blinked slowly, your pupils moved up and down noticing Eileithyas not around "Your prima went out" He spoke like he was reading your mind "How are you feeling?" He repeated "My body numb" that was all you can say "How long was I out for?" Your eyes met Dreyden's gaze "Almost a week" He answered, "Do you need something to eat?" "I'm not hungry" Dreyden placed a plate full of food "Too late, you need to fulfill your hunger anyway" He acerbically spoke, grabbing a book and begin reading A groan escaped from your throat then proceed to eat

A knock-on from the door came "Come in" The door opened with a creek "Layton!" Eileithya exclaimed quietly "Your awake" She walked over and hugged you "How are you feeling?" "Numb" You muttered "You almost gave us a heart attack by the time you passed out" She anxiously spoke, sitting down in a chair "You could have died!" She whispered-yell, grabbing your plate and placing them away

"And.." She trailed off, biting her lip. You made a scowl "What?" You hoarsely ask "I told your Father about this. Of what happened, everything" You remained speechless then glanced at the side of the bed seeing a pile of letters "Those are from him" She told, Well that's unexpected. This was the first time your Father wrote letters for you and he never been this apprehensive " You should probably rest yourself Layton" Dreyden instruct "You missed what happened after you passed out" Both of them told you about Mirabel running away, how Dona Alma started to change and also about rebuilding the Casita.

It has been days since you were trying to recover Dreyden and Eileithya we're still by your side, you three were Inseparable and nothing could change that, right now, Eileithya is scolding you for keeping your leg moving while she trying to change the band-aid "Stop moving! I'm trying to change the band-aid!" She indignantly yells even though it was Dreyden who was secretly moving your leg with his powers giving a slight smirk What are you gonna do anyway?

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