Chapter 38

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I'm frozen in shock as I try to muster up some words to speak.

"Chris.... I.... Are you serious?"

"Ellie I've never been more serious about anything in all of my life. I never thought I'd ever want to get married or even have kids, but you've changed all of that. I want to grow old with you and to create a family with you. So what do you say? Do you think you could put up with me for the rest of your life?"

"Chris... I couldnt imagine my life without you, of course I'll be your wife."

Chris breathes a huge sigh of relief as he slips the perfectly fitted ring onto my finger. He stands up and pulls me into his arms as we share a gentle kiss.

The people all around us erupt into applause and whistles. For a second I completely forgot that there was anyone else up here with us.

"Am I dreaming? Did this really just happen?"

"It certainly did, you'll soon be Mrs. Ellie Baker."

"I.... I'm still in shock, this was definitely not what I expected when we came here."

"Ellie believe it or not I've had this ring for nearly a month now. This isn't just a spur of the moment thought."

"A month? Had you planned all along to come here and do this?"

"No, actually I planned on asking you back home, which obviously wouldn't have been as romantic."

"Oh, can I ask why you left it until now, not that I'm complaining by the way."

"Well, my dear sister decided to get engaged so I didn't think it would be a good idea to upstage her straight away."

"Yeah I can imagine she wouldn't have been too impressed. Although I think this proposal might still upstage her."

"She'll get over it. I've known for a long time that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Well so have I. So you can see us with a family?"

We start to make our way back to the hotel as we chat.

"I can, maybe not for a another while though."

"Yeah, I agree. I definitely want kids but I'm sure it will happen when the time is right, although I would have loved our baby if... you know?"

My eyes start to well up as I think of what we could have had.

"Honey I know, we both would have loved him or her. We will have plenty of love to give when the time comes again."

"What do you think we would have had, a girl or a boy?"

"I guess I didn't really like to think of it too much but, I really would have loved a little girl, a little mini Ellie running around the place."

"Or a little mini Chris?"

"Now there's a terrifying image."

I chuckle as Chris pulls me into his chest.

"I can't wait to tell Jake the news. He'll be delighted."

"We could always go straight from the airport to Jersey to see him if you'd like?"

"Are you sure? I'd love that Chris."

"Of course, we haven't seen him in a while."

"Thank you. Thank you so much for all of this. It was exactly what I needed."

"You deserve it all Ellie."
"So, there was another reason I picked Paris for all of this. If you remember I told you my Foster parents live here, I really wanted to introduce you to them. They've only ever heard about you but they are crazy to meet you. If you're up to it?"

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