Chapter 4

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"You heard the need to leave!"Chris' firm voice echoes through my bedroom.

"Get lost! Who the hell are you? This is clearly none of your business." David snaps back.

Chris' expression becomes serious. "Well how about I get Jake up here.....I'm pretty sure he would have something to say about this situation."

David looks between Chris and I before he storms out of my room, banging his shoulder abruptly against Chris on his way out. I don't think I have ever seen him look so defeated in all the time I have known him. Chris is still standing in the doorway looking slightly uncomfortable.

"Hey, are you okay Ellie? Do you want me to get Jake for you?" He asks me with a deep tone of concern in his voice.

I quickly reply "Oh god no, please don't tell my brother about this....He would literally kill David. If he finds out David was cheating on me I really don't know what he would do to him."

My emotions finally get the better of me and the tears start to roll down my cheeks. I can feel my body begin to tremble lightly as the affects of what has just happened start to take over. Chris moves over beside me and guides me over to sit down on my bed. He then sits down beside me. To my surprise he reaches over and gently wipes my tears with his thumb. He then pulls me slowly into a warm embrace, his large, firm, muscular arms cradling my upper body. His touch is warm and surprisingly comforting.....I could stay here forever.

"That jerk doesn't deserve you in his my opinion anyone who cheats is one deserves to be treated like that." Chris says, trying to reassure me.

"I just feel so stupid, I mean how could I not have noticed before?....maybe if I had done more?" I say innocently.

Chris gently moves back as he looks straight into my eyes as his hands gently grip my shoulders.

"No.....don't even say that! None of this is your fault. There is never an excuse to cheat." Chris says firmly.

I only just noticed I have stopped trembling under Chris' gentle hold on me. I try to say something but the words just won't come out......I feel completely lost in his piercing, deep blue eyes.

"Ellie , are you going to be okay? Are you sure you don't want to talk to Jake about it?" Chris asks me softly.

"No, Please I really can't talk to Jake about least not right now. I know he would only freak out and to be honest I really just want to forget that tonight ever happened. David won't bother me again, I promise." I say.

"Okay, if you're sure. I better be getting to bed." Chris says as he slowly gets up off my bed.

"Thank you Chris". I say in appreciation.

Chris smiles warmly at me. "Not at all, I didn't do much. Take care Ellie and goodnight."

"Goodnight Chris". I say.

Chris leaves my room closing the door behind him. I can't understand why all I want right now is to still be wrapped in Chris' arms......for a brief moment there I felt content and safe. I mean how is that even possible? He is practically a stranger, yet he showed me so much compassion and gave me so much comfort. I felt the warmth and kindness pour from his mesmerizing blue eyes.

Once I have managed to get a handle on my emotions I start to feel a sudden sense of relief deep within my gut. David and I are finished! I hate that I was so blind to the fact that he was cheating on me but at least I have had a lucky escape....He certainly was not the person I would have wanted to lose my virginity to.

I pull my night clothes on and slip into bed, hoping that sleep will take me soon. It has been one hell of a day.

I wake from my sleep with a start. My first initial thought is there is no way it could be morning already! I glance at my clock and see the time is 3.30am. My head is pounding so I make my way downstairs to grab some painkillers. As I turn the corner into the kitchen I walk smack bang into a big, warm, muscular bare chest.

"Jeez Emily, Sorry I didn't see you there!" Chris says in a surprised voice.

I notice his arms are grasping my bare arms to stop me from falling back.

"Oh....Chris, I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." I mumble back at Chris.

(Wow....his body is so damn perfect. It looks like he was carved from stone, every curve and edge of his muscles so perfectly defined.)

"I just need to get some tablets, I have a bit of a headache."

He removes his hands from my shoulders and steps back a little from me, yet his eyes never leave mine.

"Are you having trouble sleeping?" he asks.

"I suppose you could say that. I'll be fine once I get rid of this headache. At least I have no work or college tomorrow!"

I don't know whether I am imaging things or not but it almost looked like Chris' eyes traveled the length of my body, tracing my every curve and burning my skin with his intense eyes. My eyes drop top his waist and I can't help but notice how low his sweat pants hang, leaving very little to the imagination.

(Oh good god Ellie, stop staring at him.....the next thing you'll be doing is drooling all over him.)

Chris lightly clears his throat to bring my attention back up to his face and I can feel my cheeks redden at the thought of being caught red handed.

"Well, I better head back to bed. I hope you feel better soon. I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yes.....see you then". I say in a flustered voice.

He turns and walks up the stairs. It's safe to say that I thoroughly enjoyed that view. I don't know what has gotten into me but I seriously need to get a grip. I just hope I don't make a fool of myself when I see him tomorrow!

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