Chapter 19

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I'm waiting for Chris to say something. I'm guessing that Lily told him what happened. Why else would he have the dress in his hand right now?!

"Ellie, is it true?"

I look down, not able to look Chris in the eyes. He walks closer to me and places his fingers under my chin to softly lift my head up so that my eyes meet his. As our eyes meet I know that I can't lie to this man, he means too much to me.

Chris gently let's his hand drop from my chin, he doesn't break the distance between us and his eyes are still firmly fixed on mine.

"Yes, it's true."

"Ellie, I'm so sorry that Hayley treated you like that. She's completely out of line, you should have been at those awards with me, not her."

"Look, it's done now, we can't change what happened. I'd rather if you didn't say anything to Hayley, she'll just deny it anyway."

"Ellie I don't know if I can just ignore how she behaved, she crossed the line. If I can't trust her then I'm not sure that she should be a part of the team anymore."

"Please, Chris just promise me you'll leave it until this project is done, I just want to focus on that now."

"Okay, I'll see what I can do, but you need to promise me that if she tries anything again you'll come straight to me. I won't have her treating my staff like that."

"I promise."

I didn't notice my eyes start to fill up, a tear escapes, rolling down my cheek. Chris catches me off guard when he rubs it away with his thumb.

His eyes now looking more intensely into mine. My heart is thumping so loudly in my chest that I'm sure Chris can hear it.

"Oh to hell with it....." he says.

Before I have a chance to register Chris' response, his lips are on mine, his hand on my waist, pulling me closer, closing the gap between our bodies. My mind is in overdrive right now, he's kissing me so passionately after saying that this can never happen again.

The dress drops out of Chris' other hand and falls to the floor, he grasps my lower back and my hands start to feel their way up his toned chest.

I've never been so turned on in all of my life. All I want to do is rip our clothes off and feel our bare bodies mingling together as one. I can feel his arousal throbbing against my thigh, all of my doubts of him not being attracted to me suddenly dissappear and I want him even more.

Chris pulls back from me, not as abruptly as he had done before but the break in connection is enough to leave me uneasy. "Christ Ellie, I'm sorry, I can't believe I lost control again."

"No don't, I wanted that to happen as much as you did and you know it."

"Please don't say that..... I need to go."

Chris hurries out of my room and I hear his bedroom door bang.

(No, no fucking way is he doing this to me again. I won't let him. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind!)

I hurry down the hall to his room. I contemplate just barging in and telling him how I feel but that would probably be the wrong approach, so I decide on knocking, very loudly.

After a few loud insistent bangs to his door, it finally opens. I don't wait for him to say anything, I walk right past him into his room, now he can't close the door on me and avoid me.

"Ellie, what are you doing?"

"I'm not leaving here until we at least talk like adults about what just happened!"

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