Chapter 16

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It's Sunday morning. I think I got about 3 hours sleep last night after the tears had finally stopped coming. I have a splitting headache, probably from all the crying, and my eyes are a red and puffy mess. There is definitely no hiding the evidence.

I have a feeling that today will be a day spent in my room, catching up on some work correspondence. I really don't feel like facing Chris today. It's still too raw. But first the thing that I need to do is have some breakfast. I'm just really hoping that I don't bump into Chris.

When I reach the kitchen, to my relief Chris is no where to be seen. A note in on the table in the same place as before, saying that he had to go to the office, and to help myself to leftovers in the fridge for dinner as it will be late when he gets home. He says that he has arranged for Lily to bring me to and form work all week as he will be going to the office earlier due to the work load.

Something tells me that he's doing everything in his power to avoid me as much as possible.

(Does he regret what happened that much that he can't stand to be alone with me?)

That thought sends a stabbing pain to my chest. I'm truly hurt by this thought, but I guess that it does save me the embarrassing awkwardness that would surely be between us after last night.

I spend most of the day in my bedroom on my laptop answering emails and sorting out prices to fit within in our budget. I don't know what time Chris eventually came home at, but I guess it was pretty late. I decide to get an early night and try to make up for the night before. At least tonight I manage to fall asleep without the tear soaked pillow.

I wake up to my alarm ringing. I jump out of bed and have a quick shower. I opt for one of my pant suits today. I apply some makeup, my eyes are still a little puffy from Saturday night. I head downstairs to grab a quick breakfast. I'm just putting away the dishes when I hear a car beeping outside.

I grab my bag and keys and make my way out to Lily's car.

I open the passenger door to see Lily's chirpy face. "Morning Ellie."

"Hi Lily." I say as I slide into the car. I can feel Lily's eyes on me straight away. I swear that she can tell that my mood is off by just one glance.

"Spill it, what's eating you?"

I turn to face her in disbelief. "What? Oh, I'm just really tired, I didn't sleep great and I have a bit of a headache."

"Uh huh, do you think that I'm buying that sad attempt for an excuse as to why you look so miserable this morning?"

"Jesus Lily, please, I'm really not in the talking mood right now. I'm sorry, I just don't want to talk about it right now."

Lily can tell that I'm in a foul mood and for once, she doesn't push me to get an answer. Thank god, because I'm pretty sure that I'd break down into a blubbering mess in front of her.

"Okay, not another word about it from me. Anyway, so you're going to be needing that dress after all?" she says, trying to change the subject swiftly.

"I suppose, maybe."

Lily doesn't bother to comment back, we spend the rest of the ride in complete silence. When we pull up outside the office I suddenly feel guilty. I mean Lily hasn't done anything to upset me, and I here I am taking my bad mood out on her.

I turn to face her in the car. "Look Lily, I'm sorry for being so horrible this morning. I'm just going through some stuff, but it's not your fault, so I promise that I'll be in better form next time. Thanks for the lift and I'll see you in the evening."

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