Chapter 2

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I wake from a very restless nights sleep and accompanied with a lovely raging migraine.

(Great, this is exactly what I need for a full day of lectures!)

I stumble down the stairs to come face to face with my overly chirpy brother.

(God why does he have to be so damn happy in the morning?)

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" Jake says jokingly.

"Don't start.....I need COFFEE!" I say desperately.

Before I get a chance to reach the coffee machine Jake plops a big mug of steaming hot coffee in front of me.

"Look Ellie, I'm sorry if I upset you last night with what I said about David....I can't say that I didn't mean it, but of it helps I will try to hold my tongue in the future." 

"I'd appreciate that Jake." I say sternly. "Any chance I can get a lift to college?" I ask casually.

"Sure, I'm heading in about 10 minutes so you better get yourself ready." Jake says as he smiles at me.

Jake drops me off at college and I get stuck into my long day of lectures.....the work load is definitely piling up but I have always loved my course. Only a couple of weeks left until I sit my final exams, I'm nervous but also very excited at the prospect of starting work.

I finish up college at around 4.00pm and head straight to the coffee house for my 4 hour shift. By the time my shift finishes my feet are absolutely aching....I can't wait to soak in a lovely hot bubble bath when I get home. David wanted me to go out tonight but I told him I didn't feel like it......sitting in a loud, crowded bar watching everyone drink themselves silly.

The bus ride home seems to take forever. I'm relieved when my stop finally comes into view. I hop off and make my short walk to my house. As I step inside I throw my shoes off my throbbing feet and hang my coat up. I'm just about to head upstairs when I hear my brother's voice call out to me.

"Ellie, is that you? I'm in the kitchen."

I shout back at him as I take the first step up the stairs. "I'm just going up for a long soak in the's been a tiring day."

Before I have the chance to go any further Jake's voice rings out again.

"Can you come here for a minute?"

I roll my eyes as I step back down the stairs.

(What does he want now? I'm really too tired for another lecture from him!)

I make my way into the kitchen, I see Jake standing over the cooker, stirring what looks like a saucepan of pasta. He turns when he hears me approaching.

"Hey, there you are. Dinner will be ready in about 15 minutes but I wanted you to meet our guest first."

I look in the direction that Jake is pointing to and that's when I see him, sitting at the dining room table and I mentally gasp. He makes his way over to me, his body is unbelievably perfect, so sculpted and muscular, I can almost make out every curve and edge of each muscle through the fabric of his jumper. His hair, tousled waves of light brown hair....the kind you could only dream of running your fingers through. But what stands out the most is his eyes, bright blue, the kind that can pierce your soul with a single glance. 

As he stands in front of me my breath almost catches in the back of my throat as he reaches out his hand gesturing to shake mine. I freeze.

(Oh my god ....who is this man?)

My brother's voice pulls me out of my trance.

"Ellie, I'd like you to meet Chris Baker, my new client I was telling you about. Chris this is my little sister Ellie."

I stand there in disbelief until his velvety, deliciously deep voice rumbles in my ear sending a shiver down my spine.

"Well hello Ellie, it's great to finally meet you, Jake has told me so much about you."

I'm a stuttering, nervous mess when I finally mange to respond to Chris. " don't believe anything that he says. it's nice to meet you too Chris."

My hand slips into his big warm hand as he shakes it gently.

(My god....could I be anymore embarrassing?)

I feel my whole face on fire. The warmth of his hand isn't helping matters as it radiates through my whole body.

"No don't worry Ellie, I can assure you it's all good things only." Chris says reassuringly.

My brother quickly interrupts. "See Ellie, I love you really!"

I glare at my brother as I say "Yeah sure you do Jake.....I might go take that bath now"

"Okay but dinner won't be long so don't fall asleep in the tub or anything" Jake says jokingly.

"I'm not that hungry, I might pass. I just need an early night to be honest," I say firmly.

"Ah come on Ellie, you have to eat something and we have a guest remember?"

Before I get the chance to respond Chris interjects.

"Don't mind me, if Ellie doesn't feel up to it I certainly won't take offence. I'm sure we'll get another chance to chat before I leave."

Chris flashes me the sweetest and most genuine smile and I almost feel my legs begin to weaken beneath me.

(Get a grip Ellie, what is wrong with me? Why does he seem to have an affect on me.....I don't even know the guy!)

"Well it's your loss Ellie, it really is the best pasta Primavera I have ever made" Jake says proudly.

I roll my eyes at Jake and then turn back to Chris and give him a small appreciative smile.

"Goodnight was really nice meeting you Chris." I say as I turn and leave the kitchen.

I quickly pace up the stairs and hurry into the bathroom. Once I am inside I slowly slide down against the door until my bum hits the ground.

(What the hell happened back there? I don't think I have ever been so attracted to someone in all of my life. What I felt when I looked into his's just crazy....In need to stop thinking these thoughts, it's ridiculous . I don't even know the guy and I have a boyfriend so I certainly shouldn't be thinking of anyone else like that. But Christ I don't think I ever even had these thoughts about David!)

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