5 A visit

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I was looking out the window in my hospital room when I heard a soft knock on the door. Carefully, I turned my head in that direction.

"Come in!" I called.

The door opened a crack and the man I had been waiting for for three days carefully stuck his head in. As soon as he caught sight of me he began to smile. And he looked so cute that I had to smile too.

"Hi Roman! How are you?" I asked as he came over to me and sat down by my bed. He immediately took my hand in his.

"Hi Steffi. I am fine. But more importantly... how are you?" he replied, looking at me closely. Like he wanted to see if I was still complete. It was adorable.

"I'm doing okay. The concussion is still bothering me a lot. Headaches and stuff. And it's hard to breathe because of the broken ribs. But all in all, I'm glad I can still feel. Thanks to you," I explained to him.

But before he could say anything back, the door of my attached bathroom opened and my best friend came out. I had totally forgotten that she had gone in there a few minutes ago to unpack the drugstore items she had brought me. Knowing her, she took the opportunity to talk to her boyfriend on the phone, because it took her a long time to do this simple task.

"Holy shit!" she gasped when she saw the man now sitting next to me.

"Leo!" I gasped out. What kind of manners were those?

"I... I'm so ... sorry!But do you have any idea who it is?" she asked, but remained frozen to the spot.

"Of course! That's Roman. It was him who saved my life!" I replied.

I was a little confused why she reacted like that.She looked as if she had seen a ghost or was about to have a heart attack.

"Roman Reigns saved your life?" she asked, then rushed to him and threw her arms around his neck.

And I didn't understand anything anymore. What the hell was going on here?

"Leonore Cooper! What the hell are you doing? What's going on?" I wanted to know, because she was basically attacking a strange man. Roman probably thought she had lost her mind.

"Thank you for saving her! Like a true hero! I'm a big fan!" She babbled while still clinging to his neck.

"Can someone please explain to me what's going on?" I asked.

"Oh nothing! You were just saved by a celebrity. I can't believe that at all. Why didn't you tell me?" said Leo when she finally let go of him and sat down on the bed with me.

"Because I have no idea what you're talking about." replied I, still totally confused.

"I'll explain it to you later. You shouldn't get all worked up. I'm sure it won't do your head any good." said Roman before Leo could get started.

"You are so lucky that I have to go now to take care of your baby. When I come back tomorrow I want details." said Leo then.

"Bye, Steffi. Call if you need anything else. Roman, it was a pleasure to meet you." she added, then left the room.

"You have a baby?" suddenly Roman asked me. I couldn't interpret the expression on his face.

"Yes, I do. A fur baby named Reese. He's a Maltese." I explained to him.

"Oh okay. Well... I guess you want an explanation for your friend's behavior?" he replied.

"I'm pretty confused, so that would be great," I said.

"All right, then. I work for the WWE as a wrestler. I assume you know the WWE or at least have heard of it?" he said.

Now I realized why Leo had reacted that way. Her boyfriend was a big wrestling fan and often took her to such events. And she always had a thing for the rich and famous. She had an obsessive personality and liked to get into things that were none of her business. But in a sweet, childlike way.

"Oh! Yes, I did. So you're a wrestler... That explains the big muscles and why you were able to lift me out of the car so easily." I laughed and hissed slightly as I felt the pain in my ribs.

"Yeah, well, kind of. But that's not important right now. Are you in pain? How long do the doctors say you have to stay here?" he asked me and the concern was clear to hear.

"Don't worry about me, big man. It's likely to be a couple of weeks. I'll probably have to take it pretty easy. They've even banned me from cell phone. No time in front of screens whatsoever. Which makes the days here very boring. Oh! I forgot all about that! Thank you for the beautiful flowers." I replied.

"You're welcome! I hope you like them. Say...are you allowed to go outside? I saw that they have a garden here." Roman wanted to know.

"I love them! Purple is my favorite color. And yes, I'm allowed to go outside, but unfortunately only in a wheelchair. I'm supposed to put as little pressure on my pelvis and scar as possible." I replied.

"Well in that case, I'll be right back." he said, squeezed my hand and then quickly left the room.

It wasn't long before Roman came back with a wheelchair. He helped me get into the wheelchair as gently as possible and then pushed me through the hospital hallways to outside into the garden area. I breathed deeply to get as much fresh air as I could. I ignored the burning pain in my side as I did so. Broken ribs really sucked.

"That was a good idea. It's so beautiful out here." I praised him.

I had no idea how long we were out here just talking. It was very easy to talk to him. And his laugh was definitely something I would never forget. It kind of made me forget about my pain and my worries for a little while.

We actually talked about everything, about his life and what he experienced every day through his extraordinary job and his friends and family. The way he talked about these things showed how much he loved what he was doing.

I was surprised at myself how easy it was for me to tell him about my family. It was usually difficult for me to talk about the death of my parents. But the words just flowed out of my mouth without leaving the usual bitter aftertaste. My mother had been dead for 10 years now. A heart attack and a life ended, just like that. So hard and so unnecessary. My father was hit hard by the loss of Mom. He gradually lost the will to live. He didn't want to go on. And then, just a few years after Mom, my dad was taken from me, too. But at least they were together now. That was a comfort for me.

"Do you have a headache?" asked Roman after a while. Probably because he noticed how I lightly rubbed my temple with my fingertips.

"Yes, a little. And I'm tired," I admitted.

I did so reluctantly, because I didn't want him to leave again. But my body and my health were clearly showing me my limits. And if I wanted to get better quickly, I had to listen to it.

"Then you need to rest now. I'll take you to the room." he replied immediately.

"It's probably for the best, even if I don't like it." I grumbled.

"Believe it or not, I know what you mean." he said to cheer me up as he pushed me back inside.

"Do you?" I asked.

"Yes, I don't like leaving you alone. But to make up for it, I promise I'll visit you again soon, Steffi." he said and I heard the smile in his voice.

"And I promise I'll take you to dinner as soon as I can get out of here. That's the least I can do. Oh, and maybe I can bake you a cake. I just don't know if you can eat sweet things," I replied.

"Even though it's something I'm supposed to avoid... I can't resist sweet things. Especially when they're as sweet as you are, baby girl." he said in a low voice as he leaned down slightly towards me.

Immediately I got goosebumps and heat rose to my face. And I felt a fluttering inside me that had nothing to do with pain.

My Universe [a Roman Reigns story]Where stories live. Discover now