21 Upset

490 21 11

Roman POV

I had not the slightest idea how I had managed to get through the last two weeks without having a mental breakdown. It was hard, so hard. But there was no other way. My girl needed me. If I wanted Stefanie to remember us, our time together, I had to grit my teeth and tell her as much as possible.

I don't think I've ever had anything so damn hard. Because it hurt to see the expression in her eyes when she tried to remember, but just couldn't. In addition, I could see how sad it made her every time, not knowing anything that had happened in the last 1 1/2 years. I myself could hardly imagine that. 

More than once I saw silent tears running down Steffi's cheeks. Even if she tried not to let me see it. Sometimes she even cried in her sleep. Stefanie suffered, we both did. But the doctor just kept repeating that she needed more time. I couldn't help but wonder exactly how much time that would be. Would she perhaps never remember everything that happened? Would she forget forever how much I love her? And if so, could she fall in love with me again?

With a heavy sigh, I re-entered this god-awful hospital after leaving Stefanie and Leo alone. I needed a short breathing time. I went home to freshen up and check on Reese. He had been so depressed since his mommy was in the hospital. No sign of the happy, sassy furball.

After I had showered and put on fresh clothes, I went outside with Reese into the garden so that he could do his business. His sad eyes were hard to bear as well.

After all that was done, I drove to our favorite sushi restaurant to pick up the order I had placed earlier. I wanted to surprise Steffi with it. Maybe it would lighten her mood a little.

However, as I approached her room, I heard crying as well as screaming. It sounded like both Stefanie and Leo. And then there was another voice. One of the nurses, I thought.

Quickly I entered the room and looked around. I dropped the bag with the sushi and hurried to Steffi's side. She was sitting on the bed with her knees pulled up, her elbows resting on them while she banged her fists against her temples over and over again. Tears streamed down her beautiful face as she rocked back and forth. Leo and the nurse tried to pull her hands away, but that only seemed to upset Steffi more. Repeatedly she screamed that they should leave her alone.

"Don't touch me! You don't understand! I can't take it anymore!" she cried, pounding the sides of her head with her fists again.

"I'm going to get the doctor. We need to sedate her so she calms down and doesn't hurt herself." the nurse said and then rushed out to get the doctor.

Without thinking I lifted my poor darling from the bed to lay her down properly. I lay down next to her and pulled her tightly to my chest. My arms formed a protective cage around the woman I loved. With her face pressed against my chest, she sniffled softly as she clung to my t-shirt.

"It's all right, baby girl. I got you. You're going to be fine. We're going to make it okay," I whispered to soothe her.

It took another moment, but then I felt her take a deep breath. Now she was little calmer, but the tears didn't stop. I felt them soaking into my shirt. What could I do to take this pain away from her?

"I want to get out of here. I want to go home, Roman." she said softly just as the nurse returned with the doctor.

"Can she go home Doc?" I asked with a meaningful sideways glance in his direction.

"I think, given the circumstances, it would be best. But under no circumstances should she be left alone. There should always be someone in the house with her. And at the slightest sign of a headache, Miss King must come back here. Miss King? We'll examine you, and then we'll prepare the papers for your discharge. You have to promise me you'll follow the instructions. I'm only discharging you because I think your familiar surroundings are the best therapy for you right now," the doctor told us.

"Thank you." Stefanie whispered and then pressed her face a little tighter against me.

Her breathing became more even and finally the last tears dried up as we lay there and I gently stroked her back. I was grateful that I was still able to calm her down in spite of everything. 

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