34 Surprises

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Stefanie POV

Carefully I hung the last pictures on the wall. Then I took a few steps back to see if they hung straight. Satisfied I noticed that they did. I put one hand on my growing baby bump while my other hand supported my slightly aching back. Little Miss rolled back and forth in my belly as if she was also happy about the result.

With an exhausted, yet very satisfied sigh, I sat down in the rocking chair that stood in the corner. I let my eyes wander through the finished room. It made me so happy to see how everything had turned out and I could hardly wait to present the result to Roman. Since I had banished him from this room, he had no idea what I had done.

"What do you think Reese? Will our little one and Daddy like the nursery?" I ask Reese who had jumped onto the ottoman in front of me and let me pet him.

He tilted his head as if he had to think. My God, he was really cute. I really hoped that my little spoiled man wouldn't be too jealous once the baby was born and he had to share the attention.

But I was sure he would love Baby R as much as we did. Reese often put his head on or against my belly to relax. Even if he didn't like it very much to get a kick. The first time that happened, he almost fell off the couch, startled.

"Baby girl? I'm home!" I heard it shout through the house.

"Quick, Reese. Distract Daddy so he doesn't come here." I said to my dog.

Reese immediately went on his way as I was still trying to get up from the rocking chair. When I finally succeeded, I followed him and made sure to close the door to the nursery behind me. 

"Steffi?" I heard Roman call out now.

"Hey Ro! I'm here!" I said as I slowly waddled towards him.

"God I missed you! How are you and the little lady?" he wanted to know as he came up to me with Reese in his arms and carefully put his free arm around my waist. He didn't get far around though, because my belly was pretty big by now.

I quickly gave my husband a kiss while I put a hand to his cheek. Then I looked into his warm brown eyes that I always missed so much when he was not with us. But luckily I had him with me now for the next few weeks. Until the baby arrived and for another two weeks after that. The time went by so fast. It was hard to believe that Miss R would be with us in about 6 weeks.

"We're fine. We missed you too. I want to show you something. The nursery is finished." I replied after a few moments of silence.

"Uhh, really? That means I'm no longer forbidden to go inside? I can't wait to see what all you've done. Since it's your job, I'm sure it's a masterpiece." he said, his eyes twinkling.

"Wait with your praise until you see it, babe." I laughed as I took his hand and together we made our way to our daughter's room.

"Okay, open the door and take a look." I said softly.

Roman did as I said and opened the door. When he entered and his eyes wandered around the room, I slowly followed him. I saw him put Reese down, completely speechless, and turn to me.

He still did not say a word. But in his expression I could see that he liked it. Everything. The dusky pink painted walls, the white furniture, the many floral details. The artwork with animals playing. And of course the picture with the name of our little gem.

"What do you think?" I asked when I couldn't take it anymore.

"Perfect. I think it's absolutely perfect. I knew how great you were, but this? This turned out even more beautiful than I could have imagined. Where did you get this crib? It's awesome!" he praised me, his voice a little lower than usual.

"Oh, I had it made after my design. My carpenter outdid himself. It will last for many generations. At least, I hope so." I explained to him as I watched him very slowly brush his hand over the smooth, white wood.

"I love it. I love you so much. And I'm very sure Ruby will love it very much. Her mommy really gave everything for her." he replied and then came over to give me a hug.

"Thank you, Ro! I love you too and it means so much to me to know that you like it." I said as I rested my head against his strong chest.

"Of course I do. I love everything you do. I'm so excited to have more time with you for now. And I have a surprise for you too. We are going to on Babymoon. One week just for us. One last vacation before Ruby turns our lives upside down," Roman replied, and I looked up at him in surprise, because I hadn't expected that.

"Really? That's so amazing. Just the two of us, all alone!" I said enthusiastically.

But Reese obviously objected, barking twice. Like he couldn't believe we were leaving him behind.

"Don't worry, buddy. You're coming with us. We men have to stick together." said Ro to the furball at his feet.

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