13 In your arms

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Stefanie POV

"Okay mister. I want you to be on your best behavior today. No chewing on things that aren't your toys, no peeing inside. I don't want you to embarrass Mommy when we first visit Roman." I said as I put him in the car.

I put my bag in the back seat while I mentally went over my list of things to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything important. Driving still made me quite nervous. That's why I wanted to concentrate fully on it and not have to think about whether or not I had thought of everything.

The drive to Roman's home took almost an hour. First because of all the traffic, and then he basically lived on the other side of town.

When I finally parked next to his car in the driveway, I breathed a sigh of relief. I was looking forward to finally having him back with me. It was crazy, but even those few days apart were too much. Normally, I didn't mind spending time alone. I liked having time to myself. I always had. But in the short time since I knew Roman, that had changed almost completely for me. I missed him the second he stopped holding me in his arms.

I took my bag out of the car and then opened the door for Reese. Before he could jump out, I quickly put him on a leash. I didn't want him running around. After all, he didn't know his way around here.

"Come on, Reese." I said to my dog, who immediately started sniffing everything in his path.

Then I rang the doorbell and it wasn't long before the door opened. I smiled, but this smile froze almost immediately when I saw that it was not Roman who had opened the door, as I had expected.

"Can I help you?" the tall, dark-haired woman standing in front of me asked kindly.

"I um... I was looking for Roman," I stuttered.

I quickly looked over my shoulder to make sure it was really his car parked next to mine. It unsettled me that I might have gotten the address wrong.

"Hey, baby girl. You made it!" I suddenly heard Roman say, coming up behind the woman I didn't know.

As soon as Reese heard Roman's voice, he immediately started pulling on the leash like crazy, wagging his tail excitedly.

"Hi, Ro." I greeted him as relief spread through me.

Roman took me in his arms and gave me a kiss. But it was hard for me to concentrate on it.

"Are you okay? Oh... I' m sorry. Steffi, this is my sister Summer. Summer, this is my girlfriend Stefanie. I told you about her." he said as soon as he saw my face.

"Oh! It's nice to meet you Summer." I said, extending my hand to her.

"Likewise. It's great to finally meet you. Roman can't shut up about you. And I can see why." she replied, nudging him lovingly in the side after she shook my hand.

"Thank you so much Summer. Can't keep anything to yourself?" he grumbled awkwardly.

"Hmm... nope. I can't. I guess I'll see you guys at dinner tonight?" wanted Summer to know.

"I haven't had a chance to talk to Steffi about it yet. I'll let you know later. You can tell that Mom, too, please." replied Roman as he pulled me tightly against his side with his arm around my waist.

Meanwhile, Reese began to whine in agitation. The lack of attention was obviously getting too much for him. I bent down and quickly lifted him into my arms. But he immediately leaned out of my arms in Roman's direction. My dog was acting like a baby who hadn't seen his daddy for a few days.

Ro took him his arms and immediately Reese greeted him by licking his nose.

"You can tell her yourself. We'll catch up with you later. Steffi, I hope to see you again soon. I can't wait to get to know you properly." she said first to Roman and then to me.

She quickly gave Roman a kiss on the cheek and then left.

"I missed you." I said softly as I wrapped my arms around both of my men as best I could.

"I missed you more, baby girl. " Roman whispered as he leaned in and gave me a decent kiss.

"Would you like me to show you around?" he wanted to know after a few minutes.

"I'd love to. But didn't you want to ask me something?" I replied, looking up at him.

"Oh yeah. My family is having dinner together tonight and I wanted to ask if you would like to go. That way you can get to know everyone, but of course I understand if you don't want to. It's completely up to you." he explained.

"I'd really like to. Well, assuming they're all as nice as your sister and you don't leave me alone," I replied.

"They are. And I would never leave you alone." he said and gave me a kiss on the nose while tucking my hair behind my ear.

"What are we going to do with Reese?" I wanted to know as I petted the dog Roman was still holding.

"He can come with us. But I should warn you that it is possible that Mom will want to keep him," Roman replied.

"I think she'll have a hard time with that. Because he's totally into you. What I can understand very well." I said laughing.

"Is that so? Too bad I'm more into his mom," Roman said with a smirk before giving me a passionate kiss.

We enjoyed our closeness for a while longer before Roman showed me around his house. It was beautiful and it suited him perfectly.

"Do you mind if I work for another half hour? I have to design a new table for my client's kitchen. She didn't like the first one and I need to send the sketch to the carpenter as soon as possible." I asked Roman an hour later as we lay and cuddled together on the couch.

"Of course not. I might even be able to help you. After all, I have exceptionally good taste," he said.

"You have. Okay. I'll go get my iPad. Then you can help me with your expertise." I replied.

Together we worked on a new design for the table. And I had to admit that my love was a great help. He had some good ideas. It was easy for me to understand them and I was sure that the result would be wonderful. If my customer didn't like this design either, I already knew what I would do with it.

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