16 Out with the old, in with the new

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Stefanie POV

"So tell me. Do you already have plans for your 6th month anniversary?" Leo asked me as she took a sip of her coffee.

Together we sat in my kitchen and were catching up. Reese lay on my lap and let me snuggle him.

"I don't know. Roman told me not to plan anything. So I'm assuming he's up to something, but I can't say for sure. And it's driving me crazy." I replied with a laugh.

"Oh, I would feel the same way. I'm sure whatever he has in store is going to be great. You complement each other perfectly and I haven't seen you this happy in a long time previously." she said.

"Yeah, you're right. It's crazy how everything has changed. It's just hard that he's on the road so much. And then of course the time it takes to drive back and forth. But it's worth it," I said with a smile as I thought about Roman and our time together.

"Well, there's a very simple solution to that. Why don't you just move in together?" she suggested out of the blue.

"Are you serious? Don't you think it's too soon for that?" I wanted to know.

"No. Why would it be? You've been together for 6 months and known each other for about 8 months. You love each other and spend all your free time together anyway. It would make it so much easier. You said yourself that going back and forth takes up so much time. Why waste that time when you can do it another way? Maybe he can move in here. God knows you have enough space and he already has the key. Just be bold, Steffi. What do you have to lose?" she replied.

For the rest of her visit, the thought of living with Roman flashed through my mind. Although I still wondered whether it was too early or not, I had to admit that it was a really nice thought. And as I thought about it, I became more and more aware that there was actually no reason that spoke against it. And as I knew only too well, life could change from one second to the next.

After Leo left, I went into the garden with Reese. As I walked around, my eyes fell on the building where my dad had his atelier. I went in there every now and then to see if everything was okay and of course to clean up. But it usually made me kind of sad.

I quickly went back into the house to get the key. Then I went to the atelier and unlocked the door. Reese, of course, followed my every step. I turned on the light, although it wasn't really necessary in this bright, light-filled room.

My eyes fell on the many, many paintings and sculptures that were still in this large room. My favorite pieces were, of course, in the house. But there were so many more. Before we lost Mom, there were weeks when Dad painted a new piece every day and sold them, too. But because of his grief, he hardly ever touched a brush anymore. I could understand it. In a way, Mom had always been his motivation, inspiration. His muse. Even though she hated that word.

After his death, I got the offer to give his paintings and other works to a gallery that would sell them. At that time, however, I could not bring myself to do so. And I had the space to store them. But now.... now that I was thinking about moving in with Roman, I began to wonder if it wasn't time to let go of these pieces of my past. It wasn't the material things that reminded me of my parents. I didn't need a painting to remind me of the many beautiful memories.

As I looked at canvas after canvas, I forgot everything else around me and also the time. Only the ringing of my phone brought me back to the present. When I saw who was calling me, I couldn't help but squeal with delight.

"Hey Ro! How are you, babe?" I asked giggling like a little girl.

"Well, I miss my girl. I'm in the house and I can't find you anywhere, baby girl." he replied with a deep chuckle.

"Oh that's great. I'm in the atelier. Come here for a minute, please! I want to ask you something," I said.

Now was as good a time as any to ask him.

As soon as he walked through the door, Reese raced up to him and spun circles around him excitedly. He barked happily until Roman bent down to pick him up.

"Hey, my boy!" he said to the little dog in his strong arms, petting him as he came toward me.

Roman put his free arm around me and pulled me as close as he could. Then he leaned his head towards me to kiss me in that magnificent way, only he could make me feel that way. Love. Unconditional love.

"Hi my sweet little darling." he said softly while looking deep into my eyes.

"Hi my hero. How was the flight?" I replied softly as I stroked his cheek.

"Long and boring. You wanted to ask me something?" replied Roman.

"Yes, I do. Listen... I've been thinking about how much time we spend together and how much time we always waste driving. That's why I wanted to ask you what you think about moving in with me and Reese." I replied and then waited tensely for his answer.

That adorable smile that I love so much spread across his face as his dark eyes sparkled. I suddenly felt very hopeful.

"Baby girl, there's nothing I'd rather do! And I'll be honest... I've been meaning to ask you the same thing." he replied.

"Really? That's great!" I squealed, taking his face in my hands and pecking his full lips over and over.

"God, you're so cute. I can't wait to live together. We'll make this happen as soon as possible. I promise!" said Roman to me as he laughed at my joy.

"And I already have an idea for this room," I said as I let my gaze wander again.

"What do you mean?" wanted Roman to know.

"Well, I think it's time to give my dad's works a new, worthy home. They should go somewhere where they'll be appreciated. People should be able to enjoy them. I'm sure that's what he would want. And when it's all sold, I think this place would be perfect for your own gym. What do you think?" I explained to him.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" he asked, looking at me inquiringly.

"I'm absolutely sure! I have my favorites in the house. And I want to finally let go of everything from the past, babe. Out with the old, in with the new. Start for something new." I replied, wrapping my arms around his middle.

"Well in that case, I'm with you 100%! I support you in everything that makes you happy, baby girl!" he said after giving me a long, loving kiss on my forehead.

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