33 Baby R

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Roman POV

With my beautiful wife holding my hand, I made my way to the arena where today's show would take place. And of course we had Mr. Reese with us. Even if Mom was disappointed that he accompanied us this time. She would surely get enough opportunities to spoil him and the baby.

I looked over at her and saw her looking at me at the same time. Steffi's blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight and her pale skin shimmered like a pearl. Pregnancy definitely suited her. 

I could hardly believe that we had now already made half. Time went by so fast and I really couldn't wait to meet our little gem. If only she would finally move. But apparently she was in no hurry. Or maybe she knew exactly how much I was waiting for it and therefore wanted to put me on edge a little. 

At least we knew that our little one was doing well, that she was healthy. That was the most important thing at the moment. Everything else would happen eventually. No matter how impatient I was.

"There's the King-Reigns family!" we heard Renée call as soon as we passed security. 

She had been bugging me for a while when Stefanie would accompany me again. Therefore, she was thrilled to see Steffi. Oh, and Reese of course.

Renée came to us with quick steps. Dean followed her on her heels and also had a big grin on his face.

"Hey Roman. Hey Steffi. Good to see you. How are you and Baby Reigns?" asked Dean, giving us a quick hug.

"Oh, little Miss R is doing well. She's still making us wait for her to move, though. And let me tell you, Roman doesn't like it at all." replied Stefanie with a laugh.

"Yeah well, what can I say. I've never been very patient." I said with a shrug.

"I know. I'd probably feel the same way." replied Dean.

"Probably? It would drive you crazy!" said Renée.

"I already am, babe," Dean said, making a face that made us all laugh.

"Do you guys have a name yet?" Renée wanted to know a short time later as we all sat together in the caterer with Reese on her lap.

"Yes, as a matter of fact we do. As of yesterday. And it fits perfectly. A name with a very special meaning." I said and squeezed the hand of my wife I held under the table.

Stefanie looked at me with a proud smile and then gave me a loving kiss. When we talked about the name, it was quickly clear which one would be perfect for our little girl. Because it was sort of obvious. Sometimes the most obvious things were the best.

"But you will have to be patient until Baby R arrives." Steffi then added.

"The way you say Baby R, I have a feeling her name starts with R." guessed Renée.

"Your feeling is right, but that's all I'll say about that." my wife replied, then winked at Renée.


A while later I was standing in the gorilla with Stefanie by my side waiting for my turn. Reese was having fun with Sasha right now. It was so cute how much he liked everyone here and how much they liked our little fur ball. I had no doubt that our baby would be just as warmly welcomed. She already had more uncles and aunts than just the ones that were part of the actual family.

My music began to play. I turned to Stefanie and gave her a goodbye kiss before I made my way to the ring. But I hadn't even taken two steps when she grabbed my hand.

Startled, I turned to her and saw that she had pressed her other hand firmly against her bump.

"Here quickly!" she gasped and put the hand she was holding on the spot where hers had been before.

"Oh my god! About time, gem. Daddy loves you and Mommy. I'll be right back. Don't you stop on me, okay?" I said after a moment as I leaned against Stefanie's belly and pressed a kiss against it.

Then I straightened up again and gave her another kiss too.

"That's our baby! Of course she would do that if I had to work. I love you," I said quickly.

"Daddy's little girl. What did you expect?" replied Stefanie with tears of happiness in her eyes.

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