12 Giving in

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Roman POV 

I groaned as I turned my head to the side. I felt something wet on my cheek. A smile formed on my lips because at first I thought it was Stefanie kissing my cheek gently to wake me up. But then I realized that she was sleeping with her head on my chest while I had one arm wrapped tightly around her.

When I opened my eyes, I looked into a cute little face. Reese was sitting next to my head on the pillow and had obviously decided to wake me up by licking my face.

"Hey, little guy." I mumbled tiredly.

Next to me I felt Steffi start to stir. Slowly she lifted her head and looked at me sleepily. Her hair was sticking out wildly in all directions. She looked so damn beautiful. 

"Good morning, love," I said to her.

"Good morning, boyfriend. Why are you up already?" she replied and started drawing little patterns on my chest with her index finger.

"Oh, your little fur ball apparently thought we got enough sleep. But I have to say, his way of waking someone up takes some getting used to." I explained to her with a laugh.

"What do you mean?" asked Steffi, yawning.

Reese just walked across my chest to his mom. She pulled him close and cuddled the little guy. He was wagging his tail like crazy.

"He sat next to me and licked my face," I replied.

"Really? Oh, you sassy little boy! Is that any way to wake someone up? I thought I had raised you better than that. I'm sorry about it, Ro. I know that wasn't very nice." she said, looking at me guiltily.

Reese looked at her, leaned his head to the side, and then snorted. I immediately had to laugh out loud. He really was too adorable. And he seemed to understand every word, even if he didn't like what was being said.

"I don't mind it at all. What I do mind is the word 'boyfriend'. Do I look like a boy?" I said.

"Hmmmm.... no you don't. What term would you prefer? Lover maybe?" replied Steffi.

"I guess it's too early to talk about which term I prefer. What do you think about a hot shower?" I said then to change the subject before I could say something that was not appropriate at the moment.

"I'd love that, but I'll definitely come back to this topic at a later time." she replied, giving me a quick kiss and then getting out of bed with Reese in her arms.

She set him down on the floor. As she did so, she gave me a glorious view of her backside. Still naked, she then went into the bathroom.

"Are you coming or not Mr. Reigns?" she asked as I heard her turn on the water in the shower.

With a smirk, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. I followed her into the bathroom so we could enjoy our shower together.

Stefanie POV

"I'm making breakfast. Any requests?" I asked Roman as we walked together, hand in hand, into the kitchen. Reese was there, too, of course. He followed us every step of the way.

"Whatever you want to make is fine. Can I help you?" he replied as he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist.

"No, actually, you can't. I'll set everything out. Then you can set the table if you want. We can have breakfast on the patio." I said before stealing another kiss.

Roman gave me a little slap on the butt before I started to prepare breakfast for us. Everything he needed I put on a tray. While he went outside and enjoyed the warm rays of the sun, I first gave Reese his breakfast. Today he got a little extra, because I hoped to collect brownie points with him.

I turned on the radio while I started cooking. I hummed softly to myself as I cut vegetables for an omelet and cracked the eggs. Slowly the smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the kitchen. Just as I finished, Roman came back with the tray. We put everything on it and then he carried it out.

We ate and talked. I don't think I have ever laughed so much. It was such a nice feeling.

"Can we talk about a sensitive subject?" he asked after we finished.

I sighed deeply. I knew he would come back to this subject sooner or later. Even though I still didn't like it.

"Okay..." I gave in.

"I've been thinking about it and I think I have an idea how to help you without giving you the money. I know you don't want me to. I promise you that I will accept it, although of course you can always change your mind about it." he began.

"That's very unlikely. But what's your idea?" I wanted to know as I took his hand in mine.

"I will co-sign your application for the loan. I will be your guarantor. If something should happen and you get difficulties to pay back the money, then I will step in. And no, Stefanie. I don't take no for an answer. I love you. I'll stay by your side. And I want to do this for you. So just suck it up." he explained to me.

His voice was firm, as was his gaze. I was aware that he was damn serious. I decided at that moment to swallow my pride and accept his support.

"I love you too, Roman. I'm very grateful to you. Alright... I'm in, even if I don't like it much." I replied, lifting his hand and pressing a kiss on the back of his hand.

I saw a big, very satisfied grin appear on his face. Obviously he liked it very much that I had surrendered. I really had to stifle my laughter.

"See? That's what I meant when I said you curl your lips when you're trying not to laugh at my silliness." he said still grinning before winking at me.

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