28 Full of love

517 22 15

Roman POV

With slightly sweaty hands, I tried to straighten my tie. Only with effort and a lot of concentration did I finally succeed. I kept trying to take a deep breath to calm my nerves, but I didn't really manage that. This day was too important to me for it.

Once again I looked in the mirror. Now I was really satisfied with the way I looked. I wanted to look good for Stefanie. She was what was important. Because I was sure that no one but her would pay attention to me today. Everyone would only have eyes for my beautiful bride.

"Are you ready, son? Steffi is waiting for you." Mom said behind me suddenly.

"Yes, I'm ready. We're good to go." I replied. My voice was a little higher than usual, so I quickly cleared my throat.

"I'm so proud of you, Roman." said Mom as she hugged me.

"Thanks Mom. For everything." I said.

"Well, let's get this show on the road. Go get your bride." she replied, winking at me.

With a huge smile on my lips, I headed out. I could now hardly wait to see Stefanie. It would be the first time I would see her in her dress. And I could hardly wait.

Then we would make our way down the aisle together and get married. When we talked about who should accompany Steffi on this important step, the answer was quickly found. Since her parents were no longer with us and I didn't want to let her walk down the aisle in the church alone, we decided to do it the way we would go through life from now on. Together.

I closed my eyes and took another deep breath as I stood in front of the door that separated me from my beloved. Gently I knocked on the door. Almost immediately I heard her angelic voice.

"Come in, Roman!" she called almost shyly.

I turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. My eyes immediately fell on my beautiful, radiant angel. She was even more beautiful than I had expected. Even if I actually didn't think it was possible. Once again, I could hardly believe my luck.

"Baby girl, you are.... so breathtakingly beautiful. I'm such a lucky man." I said as I walked up to her and carefully took her hands in mine.

"Thank you, babe. I was hoping you would like it. And I can definitely say that you look insanely handsome! If anyone's lucky, it's me." she replied, an adorable smile on her face.

We took a few minutes to enjoy this very special moment. We stood there in complete silence and just looked at each other. I was sure that our hearts were beating in sync right now.

At some point, I gave Steffi a kiss on the forehead.

"Shall we?" I asked softly, and she nodded in agreement.

Steffi reached for her bridal bouquet of blue and white hydrangeas and then linked her arm with mine.

"We shall." she said.

Together we then made our way to finally, finally, finally make it official. Something I had been waiting for for a long time. Something that, despite everything, I still couldn't believe.

I hardly noticed anything when we entered the church. Not the guests or the music. Not the flowers or the priest. All I was aware of was the angel next to me. With her by my side, we almost seemed to hover.

As the priest began the ceremony, I forced myself to pay attention. Those words were important and I wanted to remember them. This day was special. Not for anything in the world did I want to forget even one second. And for sure I wanted to remember every word Stefanie said.

"Roman, my guardian angel. I remember very clearly the first words you said to me, although at that moment I was in danger. I just have to close my eyes and hear you say 'I got you. You're going to be okay.' and it turned out to be. More than okay. Even if none of us expected it in that situation. You went from zero to hero.

You are my hero, my guardian angel and more importantly, you are the love of my life. You have driven away the shadows I had in my world. Roman, you are the sun in my universe. You shine brighter than what I have known before. I promise to stand faithfully by your side in every situation, no matter how challenging. I will be your safe haven and your healing.

Together with you I want to step into the future. I want to build a life with you, start a family and grow old. Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for your love. I love you. More than I can put into words. But I will never stop trying to find the right words," Stefanie said.

Tears glistened in her eyes. Once again, her eyes appeared almost turquoise. I had to really concentrate so I wouldn't forget what I wanted to say to her.

"Stefanie, my beloved. You came into my life unexpectedly. With a bang, so to speak. And since that day I always carry a part of you in my heart. Then and there you became a part of my family. Unconditionally and forever. The moment I lifted you out of the burning car and you looked at me with your bright blue eyes, it was as if a comet appeared across the dark night sky. I knew immediately that my life had changed.

I had found my love when I least expected it. Falling in love with you was like falling asleep at that point. I couldn't stop it. It was easy. It was natural. You make me a better man. I would do anything for you. Your charm, your kindness, your beauty, your humor and last but not least your love are what I crave in life. Thank you for loving me the way I love you.

I can't wait to see where our life together takes us. I am impatient and patient at the same time. But one thing I know for sure. As long as I have you as my wife I can endure anything. I can wait for anything. Because nothing is more important than you, Stefanie. You deserve the world. You deserve all the love I'm going to give you. An I love you is simply said. That's why I'll never stop putting those words into action and proving to you how much I actually love you. Tonight and forever. Always." I said, looking deep into her eyes the whole time.

Then the priest continued and when he asked me and Stefanie if we would take each other as our partners in marriage, I would have liked to shout it out loud into the world. Everyone should know that my wife made me the happiest person in this world, in this universe.

We sealed our promises with a kiss. A kiss so full of love and hope and anticipation for the future. The bright future that awaited us.

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