yasu x reader

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fluff?? idk

You were on your way to your friend Yasus house because he had asked you to hang out and watch a movie together. You knocked on the door and he opened it with a smile on his face. "y/n! Im so glad you could make it!" he said as you walked in. "Im glad too!" you responded, "thanks for inviting me over im looking forward to the movie!".

You said hello to his parents as you settled onto the couch in the living room. "want anything to drink?" yasu asked you as he walked into the kitchen

"sure. have any coke?" You asked. Yasu came back a minute later with two cokes in his hands. He handed one to you and proceeded to sit down next to you on the couch.

"Ready to watch My Little Brony?" He asked with a grin and you nodded your head excitedly. He turned the movie on, and after a while you noticed that he had moved closer to you. He turned towards you and you quickly turned away, feeling flustered after being caught staring at him.

He chuckled and said "Is something wrong y/n?" in a jokey tone. "nono," you replied "i just noticed you were a bit closer than befo-" he pulled you into a kiss, and you kissed him back. You were so surprised that you almost didn't notice him tickling behind your left ear, which caused you to slightly flinch. He pulled away and smiled at you.

The rest of the movie you rested your head on his shoulder with his arm wrapped around you, and you thought you heard him sniffing your hair a few times, but it might have just been the movie.

You never realized how much you truly liked him until now, he was sweet, compassionate, and was always there when you needed someone. You loved being around him and he loved being around you.

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