yasu x reader

665 6 7

fluff????? prequel to the other one

2 learn to spell pls

You had the worst day ever. Some guy in science stuck your hair to your chair with gum and your sandwich in the cafeteria came out raw. You slammed your locker door shut as you retrieved your jacket and went to stomp down the hallway when you heard heavy breathing behind you.

You turned around to see Yasu, your bestie.

"Hey, Yasu," you said, deflated.

"Hi, Y/N! Wanna c-c-c c--cc-ccome over to my house.?" he stuttered. "I got the DDDvD for M-M-My L-Little Bro-"

"Yeah, sure." you replied, inflating once more. You had the biggest crush on Yasu since 5th grade and a chance like this wasn't one you were gonna pass.

"Great!" He replied, twirling your hair in between his fingers before ripping it out and skipping down the hallway.

You stood there stunned. I guess you were going to Yasu's house then.

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