sama x reader

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hey guys my friend wrote tgis and i didnt proof read it or anything im just copy and pastong it

sincerely your fav writer toast

Sama x reader
You are trying your best the keep you and your lantern out of sight while hiding from sama in this elaborate maze she had trapped you in. Her work was honestly beautiful you thought as you ran past gardens.
Slowly your breathe get shorter and shorter while you look for the exit, and exhausted you give up and try to find a safe room knowing sama could be anywhere. Right as you run out of breath and couldn't run anymore you can see a safe room across the hall. You're so close so very close to safety even just a little bit. But as soon as you step forward sama turns the corner and grabs your face before you can even process what is happening. She leans down to your level so your eye to eye.
"I can't believe you thought that I wouldn't find you little one" sama whispers into your ear, Sama's hot breath hits your neck and you flush in the face.
Despite her trying to kill you you couldn't deny she was beautiful. Her dark obsidian eyes you could get lost in, her red lips which you had hope and dreamed to kiss one day, her long nails and how they slightly scratched your skin as she held your face.
Sama must have noticed you zone out because she soon is ochre d her grip on your face.
"What are you looking at? You do realize if you try to escape I'll just find you and kill you." You say nothing you just look in her eyes, you slowly turn your head towards the palm that is holding your face. Sama looks at you confused as you lean in and kiss her palm.
You see blush rush to her face as she pulls her hands away and in a flash is gone. With her disappearance you take the chance to get to the safe room to rest.
When you come to after a long nap you see a butterfly waiting outside the door for you when you look out you realize it a trail of butterfly's. You follow them and they soon lead you to the exit, there you find a note
"Don't expect it to be so easy next time - Sama"
You doubt that this will be the last time you see her.

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