kusonoki x reader

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i hate my life

also sidenote kusunokian is supposed to mean like food he likes "like italy has italian, kusunoki has kusunokian" -2 after i asked her what it meant

Kusonoki was the love of your life, and when he told you he was leaving to fight the monsters terrorizing your city, you couldn't be more pissed.

However, he loved you. So he made you a candlelit dinner in your basement with "Kusonokian" cuisine and table cloth.

So here you were, facing each other in your basement eating tentacles and cat intestines. The flavor was "divine," as he said. It tasted like shit with salt and pepper on it, though.

But you appreciated the effort as you smiled and shoved more shit into your mouth. You wanted to throw up, but he looked happy. You wanted your last night together to be joyful and not full of arguments, but then again you didn't wanna eat cat shit.

So you just ate it anyway.

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