kaito x reader

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hi!! sorry for not updating i've been dead (busy) ummmm i tried to make this one extra long bc this story has gone through neglect for a week or something.

-geko (the more muscular writer of this story)

p.s. nothing is time period accurate i'm not researching ANYTHING!!!!!!

You stood under the sakura tree waiting for him.

You always did on nights like this. When the moon was full, the stars were bright, and the grass was damp enough for you to feel it through your pajamas when you sat against the trunk of the tree, waiting. He never failed to come, especially when he gave you a letter saying he would come. Taking the piece of parchment from your waistband, where you put it, you opened it and read it over again.

My dearest Y/N, it read.

Will you meet me by our spot tonight? I have something important to tell you. 

I promise it's not about earthworms I found again. I won't throw them at you, I promise.

Please come, it's very exciting.

- Kaito

So here you were. Under the tree you've met at since the last years of education, when you met. Of course now you were both adults, but with his family being lower-class than yours, a rendezvous like this was common.

The bark of the tree dug into your back just a bit when you pulled your knees taut against your body. A chill ran through the wind and against your figure against the tree. You sniffed, and smelled the bright flowers above. They would cease to bloom soon. They always do in this part of Japan.

You guess was right, as a petal flew down from above and onto your wrist. Picking the petal up to examine it, it was just as any other. You threw it somewhere, although it was likely it didn't go far. The wind picked up again and your hair flew into your face. Brushing the locks out of your face and picking the stray strands out of your nose and eyes, you wondered when he was going to get there.

He never took this long. You hoped you could hear him climb up the hill to the tree where you were sitting under soon. The grass was annoyingly damp, and your pajamas were a light pink. The dew from the grass would show and chlorophyl would rub off. You'd have to change when you got home or a maid would see you and question why your pink pajamas were suddenly stained with green. 

You stood up with a grimace and rubbed the backside of your night gown. He was taking too long. You're leaving.

That was until he decided to show up, running up the hill in his daywear. However, what was different was that he was carrying a biwa.

Kaito was one of the best people you ever met. He was outgoing and cheerful, compared to your quiet and stoic demeanor. However, opposites attracted in this situation and you two fell deeply in love. Meeting almost every night, sending glances to each other in public when seeing each other, it was like a love story straight out of an outstanding piece of literature located on a website named wattpad.

Sometimes you even threw persimmons at each other when neither you nor him weren't looking.

He always said he had a passion for music, and that he'd make it big someday. Learn to play and tour around the world with his famous songs. He'd even try singing to you. You found it delightful how he carried his notes with such delicacy it could make the squirrel outside tour house cry and how his tone flowed flawlessly from his mouth as pus does from one of those gross back zit poppings you see on youtube that are always on the backs of old men and are popped in a backyard.

He said he wanted to change his name to "Michael Jackson" as a stage name, yet you always told him it was too western and it'd take away his charm that came with his name.

And now here he was, fulfilling step one of his dream. Getting a biwa. You assumed he was going to play it for you, and you could only hope he was a good player.

"Y/N! Look!" he excitedly told you, throwing the biwa at you. "It's beautiful, isn't it? I'm going to learn to play it!"

It bonked you in the head, and you picked it up from the ground, seeing stars. That hurt a lot.

"That's great, Kaito!" you assured him, blinking repeatedly, trying to get clarity in your vision. From what you could feel, the edges of the biwa had intricate carvings that felt like flowers and petals. Just like the sakura tree you stood under. The engraving went along the rim and to the neck of the biwa.

Vision suddenly gaining clarity, the haze of the impact going away, you saw the carvings and your suspicions were confirmed. They were the most detailed and beautiful carvings of sakura flowers you have ever seen. Gasping, you inform Kaito.

"It's beautiful, where did you find it?"

"Some lady gave it to me, I don't know. It sound fully tuned, though. I'm not complaining." He replied.

Smiling, he brought a mysteriously large black blanket out from his pocket and laid it on the ground. He sat down on it, crossing his legs as if he were a child. His grin agreed, but the maturity in his features said otherwise. Dark eyes you always seemed to get lost in and pitch black hair that always looked good. If you stuck your hand into the pupil of his eye, your whole arm would go in and wouldn't even touch the bottom.

Eyes are the window to the soul, right? I guess his soul was deep.

He patted the space across from him and you sat down too, relieved you didn't have to sit on the wet slimey drenched ground again. You handed him his biwa and he plucked the strings a few times before positioning his left hand on the neck of the biwa. Exhaling, he closed his eyes and began to strum the song he was playing.

You loved his voice, you loved everything about him. To his greasy hair - almost as greasy as the grass, his eyes as dark as his shriveled up little heart, to his enormous feet he always puts near you for no particular reason.

You wished this night wouldn't end.

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