isamu x reader

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uhmmm hi so sorry that we didnt update it in a billion years uhmm ive been busy failing highschool and getting put in wheelchairs!!
-toast (worser writer of this series)

You and isamu were perfect for each other. He loved your misshapen nose and buggy e/c orbs. You loved to smell and brush his hair while he was asleep and spy on him while he was at work. He called the cops on you a few times, but that was just him being silly.

As you galloped over to his house, you saw his older brother outside. "hi senzai!!!!" you happily said to him "uhmm hi" he replied with a confused look on his face "who are you??" he asked. your smile slipped slightly"im isamus girlfriend!!" you said, but he just gave you a weird look and sprinted the opposite direction

As you entered the house you saw isamu making a tunattela sandwich and snuck up behind him "HI ISAMU!!!!!!!!!" you screamed into his ear. he was so happy to see you that he screamed in terror and bodyslammed you into the ground. "oh hi y/n" he said smiling "oww i think you broke my spine" you said, sprawled on the floor, bleeding out. "dont worry ill get you a bandaid and ice pack!!" he said skipping into another room. he was so thoughtful, you thought.

You both sat on the couch together, trying to agree on a show to watch "how about shrek 2??" you suggest "no ive seen that one too many times" isamu replied with an irritated sigh "how about mean girls!!" "omg yasss!" you both sat enjoying mean girls when suddenly isamus phone rang. He answered and his jaw dropped onto the floor and tears came out of his eyes like a fire hydrant. "isamu whats wrong pookie?!" you asked with a worried expression "s s s s s s s s s s senzai is dd d d d d d d dead..." he said, snot dripping out of his nose while he failed around like a 5 year old.

You followed him to the morgue and watched as he inspected his brothers dead gross rotting body. "howd he die??" you asked remorsefully "i dont know the exact cause of death kitten whiskers, but this was definitely a murder." he replied solemnly. After he was done you could tell he was still bothered by it. You decided to give him some space and headed home for the day.

A few days later, you decided to check up on him, only to find his house empty and car gone. You headed to the morgue to see if he was there to see his brother and saw his car, but not him. He was declared missing and that was the last time you saw any trace of him ever again

waaa sob son

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