toast x reader christmas edition

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hi guys merry christmas!! yhank you for 4k reads this chapter doubles as both 😁😁 sorry for dying fir 8 months too that kinda sucks lol



cw: toast, poop

Toast was the best person you've ever met and you were glad to be spending Christmas together. It had always been your favorite holiday, but you always spent it lonely. That was why you were so happy to spend it with Toast.

Their eel-infested locks mesmerized you, trapping you in their gaze. They were slimy and covered in gunk, yes, but it added to their charm. Toast's eyes were a shit brown that always seemed to remind you of 3rd grade when Sally Turd shat her pants. You smiled, reveling in the feeling of nostalgia and warmth that coursed through you.

You wondered what they were getting you for Christmas. You wouldn't shut up about it for weeks and you got them a heartfelt gift that reminded you of them. Literal bull shit. Stolen fresh from a farm in Nebraska.

Alas,(ka) the day has come. Under the Christmas tree, you sat, waiting for Toast to wake up. As soon as you heard the big thump and stomps approaching the first floor of the house you hijacked 3 years ago, yiu knew they were awake.

"Toasty poo!! Come get ur present!!!!!!!!" you cooed, running up to yhem and rubbing rhe bag of horse shit all kver them. 

"um bye" Toast said, speedwalkong away from you and out the door, into the white snow.

"NO!!!" you screamed, reaching out  to him but failing as they speedwalked out of your neighborjood and put of your life.

Overcome by grief and rage, you ran out to your front lawn and into the pristine titanium white snow. Collapsing to your knees, you sobbed for hours as the snow seeped into your Christmas attire. 

Catching sight of their present, the poop you bought them, you were filled with rage. Pounding the bag into the snow, it slowly turned from white to brown, and so did your hands. 

Breathing heavily, you uncurled your fists and looked at the sight you caused. You could only see brown. Brown sky, brown lawn, and brown hands. Everything brown.

And as you lay there in the brown snow, you cursed out toast and hoped they were covered in shit too.

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