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August 30th, 1995

There had yet to be an official meeting of the new Order of the Phoenix. It seemed as if everyone was busy preparing their kids to go back to school.

Regulus and I had to watch what we said around the boys, specifically Atlas, who had seen the dead body of Cedric Diggory on the night that Voldemort returned. From my understanding, Atlas idolized Cedric, all of the younger boys did. So when he died, Regulus and I got worried about how Atlas would react. It's hard to tell since he's only twelve, but he seems to be handling it.

Elio's eleventh birthday came and went, which meant that he was off to Hogwarts with his brother in two days, which was concerning as a parent. I'm nervous about them going back there after what happened last year, but Hogwarts is the safest place to be, right?

Today we're in Diagon Alley getting their things for school.

The paths are crowded with families and friends as they all run around to get their things for the upcoming school year. Atlas and Elio are walking slightly in front of Regulus and I, Atlas standing a few inches taller.

"Come on boys, we have to go to Madame Malkin's to get your new robes," I said, gesturing towards the store.

Elio needed to get robes, and Atlas needed new robes due to his growth spurt.

Regulus held the door open, and followed all of us inside the shop.

Madame Malkin's wasn't as busy as I had suspected, probably due to the fact that it was lunch time. Everyone in the store was being sized for robes or browsing the racks for new clothing.

"Ah, the Black family!"

I turned to see Madame Malkin herself walking over to us.

"It's a pleasure to see you," Regulus replied, "Both boys need new robes for school."

"Perfect, I'll do some measurements on them and have them back in a jiff," She said, her voice cheery.

The bell above the door chimed as two more people stepped into the shop.

I did a double take, my eyes landing on a familiar face.


"Meredith!" He glanced past my shoulder. "And Regulus."

I gave Jack a quick hug before looking to his side. His daughter, Natalia, stood at his side, staring at Regulus and I.

"Nat, you remember Meredith?" Jack asked.

She stared at me through the blonde hair that fell into her face. She looks exactly like Jack. Natalia looks nothing like her mother, but I suppose that might be better.

"Kind of," Natalia said, her voice surprisingly confident for the hesitant look on her face.

It had been a couple years since I saw Jack, which meant it had been a couple years since I saw Natalia.

Regulus appeared at my side, extending his hand to Jack. They shook hands, but the atmosphere still felt slightly tense.

"So, what brings you here?" Regulus questioned.

Natalia answered. "I need robes for Hogwarts," She said.

"That's right, you and Elio are both going into first year," I added.

Jack nodded, "And how are the boys?"

"Mum, do you think this is too big on me?"

Regulus and I both turned around. Elio had stepped out of the fitting room wearing a uniform robe. I stepped closer to look.

The Art of Living - R. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now