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The room is dark, only a gas lantern lighting up the space. The room is empty except for shapes covered in shadows. I can barely see anything, I'm too far away.

I can't see anything, but the whole situation feels wrong. I have a pit in my stomach and a feeling in my gut that I shouldn't be here, but something tells me to stay.

The room is cold and damp, sending chills down my spine.

I try to step forward, but my legs won't move.

A door creaks open from the side of the room, and someone joins me in the room. As they get closer, I see their mask. A Death Eater mask. They're carrying another lantern, brightening up the room slightly.

The uneasy feeling in my stomach only grows.

The masked person walks right past me, like I'm not even there.

Only when the Death Eater gets to the middle of the room, can I make out a figure sitting in a chair. They're bound to the chair by ropes.

That's when I see their face.


His face is bruised and bloodied, his cheek split open. His breathing is heavy and shallow.

The Death Eater sets the lantern down on a table, retrieving their wand from their sleeve.

"Time's up, traitor," They mutter.

It's a feminine voice. One that sounds vaguely familiar but I can't quite place it. His mother? No, too cheerful.

"Are you going to tell me what you did? Or will I have to force it out of you?"

Regulus doesn't respond. His hands are limp in the cuffs, his chin tilted up, an unmoving expression on his face.

"Fine. If you want to speak, I'll force it out of you."

A wand is raised.


Regulus doubles over in pain, the chains being the only thing holding him upright. He screams out in excruciating pain.

I go towards him, only to realize that my legs won't allow me to move.

I try to call for him, only to realize that I have no voice.

I'm helpless.

Regulus's screaming stops as the spell is dropped.

"Had enough?"

Regulus chokes, "Nope."

His screaming resumes, this time it's louder. His entire face is screwed up in pain as he doubles over, his body twitching.

I try to scream out for him, I try to move, but I can't. I can't do anything but watch. Hot tears stream down my face, wetting my cheeks and rolling off of my chin.

The love of my life is screaming out in pain, the curse unrelenting on him.

"Mer-, wake up!"

I felt his hands on shoulders.

My eyes shot open and all I could feel was sheer panic running through my veins. My heart was beating out of my chest, and my breathing was labored.

"Hey, hey, you're okay," Regulus said, his voice calming me down.

He turned a lamp on, illuminating our bedroom.

I glanced around our bedroom, my eyes falling onto my husband.

The Art of Living - R. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now