twenty eight

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Song for the second part of the chapter: Love of My Life - Queen

TW Violence

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August 1st, 1997

Despite all of the chaos that just seems to keep coming, there is some good coming out of it. The sun is high in the sky and it's the perfect weather for a wedding. The Weasley's orchard looks perfectly manicured as we walk towards the large white tent set up in the big yard.

Our whole family was invited, which means that Atlas, Elio, and Cassie are with us. Regulus is holding Cassie and I'm so grateful that she's such a happy baby so we won't have any issues while at the wedding.

Fred, George, Ron, and Harry are all standing at the entrance of the tent to greet people as they arrive. The twins seem to be complaining about the whole ordeal.

"When I get married, I won't be bothering with any of this nonsense. You can all wear what you like, and I'll put a Full Body-Bind Curse on Mum until it's all over," Fred says. Ron elbows him in the side and he looks up and grins. "Ah, the Black family," He says. "And Missus Black."

Regulus rolls his eyes. "Fred, stop flirting with my wife," He says.

"Never," Fred says. He waves at Cassie and she laughs as George shows us where our seats are.

We sit down on the groom's side. Xenophilus and Luna Lovegood are sitting behind Regulus. He adjusts Cassie on his lap and starts talking to the both of them. I listen to the conversation a bit before I glance around at all of the other guests arriving.

Atlas and Elio start talking in hushed voices and Elio elbows his older brother so I know that they're definitely up to something.

"They're looking at us," Elio whispers.

"I can see that," Atlas says. He waves at someone and I glance over to see who it is.

There are two blonde girls who look to be around Atlas and Elio's ages, and they're clearly related to Fleur. Both girls have long blonde hair and blue eyes. The older one of the two waves back at Atlas while the younger one blushes and weakly waves back. Both of the girls giggle and go to take their seats across the room.

I glance back at Atlas and Elio and shake my head, trying not to laugh. Both of them are slightly red in the face and Atlas keeps looking over at the girls. Regulus turns back around in his seat and looks at the boys with a confused look on his face. "I'll tell you later," I whisper to my husband. I decide not to say anything when Remus and Tonks show up. Their seats are to my right, so Regulus and I start talking to them before the wedding starts.

Soon after, Jack and Natalia arrive and Elio turns around in his seat to talk to his best friend while Jack leans forward to talk to Remus, Tonks, Regulus, and me.

"God, I haven't been to a wedding in a while," Jack says.

I look over at Remus and Tonks. "Yeah, me neither," I say.

"If it makes you feel any better, no one was invited to our wedding," Tonks explains with a grin.

Remus laughs, "And you don't have any room to talk, Meredith. You and Regulus eloped in Portofino without telling anyone then stayed in the Italian countryside for two months before coming back and announcing that you were pregnant."

"I-, we were going through a lot," I say, trying not to laugh.

"What even is there to do in the Italian countryside for two months?" Tonks asks.

"How do you think she got pregnant so quickly?" Regulus deadpans.

Remus laughs, "That's why I got very vague letters the whole time you were gone."

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