thirty seven

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May 1st, 1998

The day starts off normally.

I wake up in Regulus's arms, despite everything, and we stay like that until Cassie wakes up. Regulus makes breakfast and Cassie laughs at everything he does. I sit next to her and try to teach her new words. We go outside and play with Cassie until lunchtime. Cassie takes a nap after lunch and Regulus and I sit in the library, both doing our own things but still wanting to be close to each other. We get a letter from Elio and send one back quickly. Cassie wakes up and Regulus makes dinner for the three of us.

We're cleaning up from dinner when things start to go wrong.

A blinding blue light comes bouncing through the house and stops suspended above the kitchen counter. It's a lynx, Kingsley's patronus.

"Potter has arrived at Hogwarts. Report to the Hogs Head Inn ASAP."

The patronus repeats this twice until it disapparates into thin air.

I swallow harshly and look over at Regulus. He stares at me before glancing at our daughter and then back at me.

"We better get her to Andromeda's then," Regulus says.

We move quickly. I pack a bag for Cassie with a couple of days' worth of things since I don't know how long we'll be gone. Then I meet Regulus downstairs so that we can take the Floo to Andromeda Tonks's house.

Since all of our usual trusted people to watch Cassie are a part of the Order, it left Andromeda as our last option. She's the only other person that Regulus and I trust with our kids.

Regulus steps into the fireplace first, holding Cassie. He grabs some Floo powder out of the bucket and throws it down. "Andromeda Tonks's house," He says clearly.

Green flames erupt and Regulus and Cassie are gone.

I step into the fireplace and grab some Floo powder. "Andromeda Tonks's house," I say.

When the green flames subside, I step out of the fireplace and stand in the living room next to Regulus.

Andromeda, who was peacefully reading on the couch, is clearly startled by our arrival. She looks at all of us then her face falls after she remembers the circumstances of our visit.

"It's time then, isn't it?" She asks.

"It is," Regulus nods.

Andromeda gets up from the couch and meets us halfway. "I'll take care of her for you, don't worry," She says. "But you both need to stay safe. Return in one piece, okay?"

"We'll try our best," I say.

I go to Cassie, who is still in Regulus's arms. "We'll be back soon, okay?" I say, trying to stop my voice from wavering. "I love you so so much." I kiss Cassie on the forehead and hold her small body against mine. Her little hand rests on my cheek until I pull away.

"I love you," Regulus tells her. "Mum and I will be back soon." He holds her close and presses a kiss into her blonde hair.

The fireplace crackles and turns green before it dies out and Remus and Tonks step out of the Floo, the latter holding Teddy.

"Oh dear," Andromeda says sadly, "You all better be careful."

"We will," Tonks says. "I promise, mum."

Remus and Tonks say their goodbyes to their newborn son and hand him over to Andromeda. We all say goodbye to Andromeda then take turns using the fireplace to Floo to the Hog's Head Inn since there's an Anti-Disapparation Jinx in the village of Hogsmeade now.

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