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October 13th, 1995

The first thing I notice when I walk into the bar is that I am one of three women among a bunch of rich-looking men. The bar is dark and smells of brandy and expensive cologne.

The room is dark, blackout curtains shielding the bar from the sun and from any onlookers. There's various tables and booths scattered throughout, half of which are occupied. The bar itself is almost empty, except for him.

I spotted Regulus, sitting at a table in the corner, a glass of firewhiskey in his hand. He watched me closely as I sat down at the bar, right beside the man I'm here for.

Tonks is outside listening in with an enchanted earpiece. All three of us are wearing them, and mine is hidden by my hair.

"Hello," I said, crossing my legs underneath the bar.

His gaze falls down to my legs and I have to remind myself not to punch him in the face right now.

"Hello," He replied, "I haven't seen you around here before."

I faked a smile. "I'm not from around here," I lied. "Business trip."

"Ah, well I'm glad you're here," The man said. "What's your name?"

"Buy me a drink and I'll tell you," I said, a teasing tone in my voice.

I heard Regulus groan through my earpiece. "Do you really have to flirt with him?" He muttered.

He smiled at me and I had to remind myself that I'm here on business. I can't let this fail. I need to get some information from him.

"What're you drinking?"

I thought for a second. "I'll have a gin and tonic."

"Shut up, let her use it to her advantage," Tonks said, her voice muffled in my ear.

I had to fight the urge to laugh as I focused on the man in front of me.

He flagged the bartender over and ordered a gin and tonic and another glass of brandy. He's got a briefcase by his feet, he works at the Ministry, and his hair is dark with flecks of gray, and his eyes are an odd shade of blue.

This is definitely him.

The bartender brought over our drinks and I thanked him.

"I'm Marino Jugson," He said, holding his hand out for me.

I shook his hand, my gaze drifting to the wedding ring on his other hand. I took my ring off for the sake of the mission, and my hand feels bare without it.

"You work at the Ministry?" I asked, gesturing towards his briefcase.

I already know the answer. I also already know that he has a wife and three kids at home, all of whom are unaware of his frequent bar outings after work. Outings where he takes women home to his secret apartment, only to return home the next morning and play the role of a loving husband and father. Men like him disgust me.

He smirked, "I do. Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

"Well that sounds like an interesting job," I said. "I bet you see and hear a lot of things."

"I do, lots of secrets."

I nodded, looking up into his eyes, while reaching over to grab my drink.

My glass knocks over, spilling the contents onto the bar.

"Oh-, I'm sorry," I exclaimed.

"It's quite alright," Marino Jugson said as he got up to grab some napkins.

The Art of Living - R. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now