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Song for this chapter: Young and Beautiful - Lana Del Rey

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December 25th, 1995

There was no vacancy at 12 Grimmauld Place, all of the rooms in use for the holiday break. The entire Weasley family was taking residence here, as well as Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and us. Regulus, Atlas, Elio, and I were all staying at Grimmauld Place for the holidays so that Sirius wouldn't be alone.

Well, he's never truly alone. Remus is here too.

I stepped in front of the mirror in Regulus's bedroom, smoothing out the non-existent wrinkles in my dress. The black gown fell past my ankles, a slit coming up to my upper thigh.

"Darling, can you zip my dress?" I asked, making eye contact with Regulus in the mirror.

He finished adjusting his cufflinks and came up behind me. He pulled my hair to the side, the cold of his rings making me shiver. Regulus slowly zipped up my dress for me, his hands lingering on my body.

"You look amazing," He muttered into my ear.

I turned around and adjusted his tie. "And so do you," I replied.

"We should get going before I take that dress right back off of you," Regulus teased, holding the bedroom door open for me.

I brushed past him into the hallway. "Oh, is that so?" I questioned.

We made our way downstairs, where everyone was lounging around the living room or kitchen.

All of us had celebrated Christmas earlier in the day, and had finished dinner around an hour ago.

"We're off to the Nott's," Regulus announced.

My gaze fell upon Atlas and Elio, both of whom were sitting by Fred and George looking at their new products.

"You boys be good, okay?" I said. "We'll be back late."

"We will be so good, Missus Black," Fred said.

Ginny, who was sitting on the couch, smacked Fred across the head with a pillow, making him wince.

"Bye mum, bye dad," Elio said, barely looking up from the new invention he had in his hands.

Atlas waved, "See you later."

"I think they got the message," Regulus shrugged.

"Have fun at your yearly appearance in high society," Sirius joked, raising his glass. "Do tell me if Malfoy's son is just as much of a prick as him."

Remus stifled a laugh. "Trust me, he is," He muttered.

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The Nott Christmas Ball is the one event a year that Regulus and I get invited to. Regulus figures it's only because he was good friends with Emma Vanity during school. But she's been dead for 14 years.

The ball consists of the wealthiest wizarding families and purebloods, and lots of backhanded comments, directed towards me and our sons, because I "dirtied" the Noble House of Black.

It's quite entertaining.

With the war heating up, I was surprised that we received an invitation this year, but it seemed like the perfect opportunity to eavesdrop and see if we hear anything worthwhile.

Nott Manor is situated in the English countryside, no neighbors for miles. The manor itself just looks expensive, and gives off an eerie vibe.

When Regulus and I set foot into Nott Manor, the sounds coming from the ballroom echoed throughout the foyer. We followed the crowd of people into the ballroom, where groups of people milled about, talking, dancing, drinking, and eating.

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