Inlove with you ( mumbskall )

421 10 12

'•3rd POV•'

Mumbo started coughing, hard.

He felt something climb up his throat, it was small but it was uncomfortable 

Mumbo coughed and coughed until the small thing fell out of his mouth

A green zinnia. . .

He grabbed the zinnia

" what? I never ate any- "

Mumbo started coughing again.

He felt another one climbing his throat

It didn't hurt as much. . .but so uncomfortable. .

It'll pass. . .



Iskall walked towards mumbo

" mumbo! " iskall called

" iskall! " mumbo ran towards iskall, " how have you been? "

Iskall chuckled " pretty good! How about you? "

" amazin- " mumbo coughed, and then coughed again

He felt another zinnia climbing up his throat

" are you okay? " iskall asked mumbo with concern

" yea- " mumbo coughed even harder

Iskall looked at mumbo with even more concern as mumbo coughed harder and harder

" im sorry- i need to go " mumbo muttered turning away

Mumbo didn't want to go, but he had to

Mumbo's heart always fluttered when he heard iskall's voice

He loved iskall, he wouldn't lie about it


Iskall liked stress

Iskall always talked about her, when he was needed, he'd go as fast as he could if stress was there, he was always around her,

iskall definitely was inlove with her

Mumbo couldn't do anything about it.

Tears slowly started forming in his eyes

Mumbo was inlove with iskall, iskall was inlove with stress. .

Another zinnia came up 

Mumbo spat out blood on the ground, along with the zinnia

He started coughing even harder, even worse, he felt another one coming right after.

" i'll always love you, iskall " mumbo muttered

This was because he loved iskall, wasn't it?

mumbo would never give up on iskall

even if he'd die.


iskall watched mumbo run away

They wished they weren't such a mess

They were inlove with mumbo, but mumbo totally liked grian

iskall knew he did.

then, iskall felt a rose climbing up their throat, again.

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