Panic ( grumbo )

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<this could be seen as platonic>

TW : panic attack 

'•3rd POV•'

Grian doesn't know what happened, one moment he was going about his day, the next he's sobbing on the floor

Grian sobbed quietly, digging his nails in his arms

' i wish i was never born '

' Life is way too hard to deal with, why did we even get the opportunity to live? '

Grian sobbed harder, digging his nails in his arms until it bleed

' everything hurts so much '

' why was i born? '

' i don't deserve my life '

' why? '

' WH- '

Grian's thoughts were cut off by the door clicking open and a gasp 

" grian! " mumbo ran over to grian " hey- its okay! "

Grian started panicked even more ' mumbo shouldn't have to worry about me- '

" grian, hey, listen to me okay? "

Grian nodded, still sobbing 

Mumbo put his hands on grian's shoulders " take a deep breathe "

Grian inhaled deeply, exhaling, then inhaling again

" count to 5 "

" 1. .2. . .3. . .4. . . " grian felt a little calmer " 5. "

" how do you feel? "

" horrid "

" that's okay, now, what's that? " mumbo pointed to in the corner of the room

Grian looked over where mumbo was pointing " My beanbag "

" what's its color? "

" . .red "

" Mhm, how about that? " mumbo pointed to grian's closet " whats on the closet? "

" stickers. . "

" what are the stickers? "

" a pesky bird. . .and maui and pearl "

" can you tell me what's in the closet, grian? " 

Grian breathed in and out " i think. . .i stuffed my stuffed animals in it "

Mumbo smiled " good, now breathe in and count to 5 again "

Grian breathed in and out " 1 2 3 4 5 "

" do you feel better? "

" a little bit "

" okay, thats still good " mumbo stood up, holding his hand out " how about we go on a walk? To clear your mind? "

Grian smiled a little, reaching for mumbo's hand and holding it " sure "

Mumbo pulled grian up on his feet 

" thank you "

( this is a vent chapter, i wrote it after i cried. . I wish i had somebody to comfort me. 

Im fine now. )

ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕞𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕗𝕥 𝕕𝕣𝕒𝕓𝕓𝕝𝕖𝕤 / 𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤Where stories live. Discover now