' why doesn't he remember me? ' ( jellie angst )

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'•Jellie POV•'

I ran to the door and i sat there, waiting

" jellie? " i heard scar call out for from the couch " what are you doing? ". I paid no mind to him and continued waiting at the door

I waited

And waited


The door opened slightly " oh! Jellie- " i heard cub exclaim as he walked in. ' finally. ' " mew "

Scar got up from the couch " i keep forgetting that waiting at the door waiting for cub is part of your routine "

" silly me "


I jumped off the purple bed and jumped down the ladder ' cub should be visiting in a few minutes '

I ran to the door and sat there, waiting

I waited

And waited


'Finall- ' " jellie? " i heard scar say before coming in " what are you doing? "

" mew? " ' where's cub? '

Scar picked me up and patted my fur " did you jump down the ladder to greet me when i came home? "

" mew " ' i wanted to see cub '

" awh! Thank you jellie "

' where is cub. . .? '


I made sure to sit at the door before scar left

' cub is near, maybe now he'll visit '

So i waited again

I don't know why i do this, i guess i got used to cub's visits

Or maybe i just like the attention i get when cub realizes i'm infront of the door

But, he hasn't been visiting as much as he did

I wonder why


" jellie? " scar said as he walked in. i looked behind him, but still, no cub " mew?? " ' wheres cub? '

Scar picked me up " do you wanna go outside? I feel like you're too introverted for that though " he giggled

" mew " ' maybe cub's outside? '

Scar walked back outside and closed the door behind him " its quite bright out ya know "

I jumped down from scar's arms and looked around ' no cub. . '

' where is he? '


I still waited at the door everytime. I didn't care how long i would wait, as long as cub would come though the door i would be happy

I looked up at the door ' cub. . .where are you '

I laid down infront of the door, and closed my eyes ' where are you. . . '


The door hit me, but it was a gentle hit " huh? "

' cub? '

I walked- no- ran infront of the door and looked up

He looked nothing like cub, but he sounded just like cub. And his labcoat looked just like it, there was a rip on the bottom right side, a rip i made.

" mew. .? "

" cub? Is that you? " scar called out, peaking out the corner

" its me "

' no way. . '

" i was opening the door and i accidentally hit your cat- sorry "

Scar gasped and ran to me " oh my gosh! Jellie! "

" jellie. . .why have i heard that name before? " cub said, walking in the tree and closing the door behind him " i don't think i know a jellie "

' w-what? '

" well, you should know jellie! She is very known "

Cub. . .chuckled slightly " nice, but anyway i will be going to my cave "

" mew. . "

Cub smiled and petted my head " shes really cute "

' he's not wearing his ring. . '

" i know right? " scar said, smiling aswell

' what happened? i thought you two were in love. . '

' did something go wrong? '

' why doesn't he remember me? '


anyway- i have an explanation why cub does not rememeber jellie. the reason is that every season, the hermits memories will be completely wiped, only leaving snippets of the last season. for example, scar and cub will remember running concorp, but won't remember eachother being business partners.

only Xisuma and pets *like jellie* will still have their memories

cub doesn't rememeber jellie, but jellie remembers cub )

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