Gift boxes ( Platonic!rendoubledoc )

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'•Bdubs POV•'

I looked at the horribly wrapped gift box in my hands, hell, this does not deserve to be in my hands " this is horrible! " i said pushing it back towards doc '' You are HORRIBLE at gift wrapping. ''

Doc scoffed, rolling his eyes in annoyance as he pulled his gift box back towards him  " it's beautiful, thank you very much. "

Ren smirked and pushed his gift box in the middle of the table  " mine is the best! " 

Ren's gift box had a starry night background, and a beautiful purple ribbon

" Yours is amazing but like, Look at mine! " i pushed my gift box in the middle of the table " its Amazing! "

My gift box had a morning sunrise background, a beautiful sunrise, and a light blue ribbon

" Personnaly, i find it spectacular! " i exclaimed confidently " What do you think? "

" No " doc spat out bitterly " i hate you so i hate that too. "

I rolled my eyes '' Not. Talking. To. You. '' i then looked at ren " its beautiful right? "

Ren gasped jokingly '' mine is the most beautiful! ''

i frowned and pulled my gift box back towards me " screw you both, mine is beautiful and amazing. "

'' but we all have to agree that doc's is horrible righ- ''

doc punched me in the cheek '' shut. your. mouth. ''

i held my cheek, looking at doc angrily  '' No, YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH MISTER! '' 

'' here we go again- ''


the camera stopped recording 

'' its been 2 years, and you still suck at gift wrapping '' i laughed nudging doc's arm

Doc glared at me '' i've gotten better, at gift wrapping AND KICKING YOUR A- '' i slapped doc's mouth beofer he could finish his sentence '' NO.  ''

'' you guys are kinda like an old married couple '' ren said, sitting down on a beanbag 



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