' great, now you have a fever! ' ( convex )

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'•Cub POV•'

I walked up the stairs " scar? " i called out " are you here? "

I heard a faint ' mew' from around the corner before jellie came walking out the corner. " jellie? Wheres scar? "

Jellie walked towards me and circled my legs before laying down " mew "

I chuckled slightly " now is not the time to be cute ellie- jellie. Where is scar? "

Jellie looked up at me and meowed again, laying her head back down

" i guess i gotta find him myself eh? "

" mew "

I picked jellie up and started petting her fur " where would scar be? "

" mrrow "

I chuckled and put jellie back down " i'm gonna go find scar, okay? "

" moew "

As i opened the door i realised it was raining, ' Goddamit scar. '. i grabbed an umbrella next to the door and walked outside. " scar? " i called out as i walked around the tree, " where are you? "

i heard a sneeze, coming from somewhere

" scar? Where are you? Its pounding, are you okay? " i asked as i ran around, trying to find scar. I ran over to scar when i saw him sitting down beside the tree

I grabbed him hand and pulled him up " gosh! You are gonna get a fever! ". i started leading him back inside the tree " what were you doing outside in the damn rain? " i scolded

" ngh- i didn't realise that it was gonna rain " scar replied " sorry "

I closed the umbrella as i walked inside the tree and closed the door behind us. Jellie meowed and walked beside scar, rubbing her face against scar's leg, then jumped back when she realised scar was soaked

Scar giggled " sorry jellie ". i sat him down on the floor " Stay here. I'm gonna get us some stew, a few blankets, and some new clothes alright? "

Scar nodded and started playing with jellie as i went to get scar some clothes and blankets

( not gonna write cub getting stuff for scar )

i put the mushroom stew beside scar and draped some blankets on scar's shoulder. i started running my hand through scar's brown, long hair " you saw the forecast! why did you still go out? "

" i have thingz to do. . " scar yawned as he ate his stew " and i kinda forgot, sorry. "

" sorry will not cut it scar! " i put my hand on scar's forehead " you're burning up! great, now you have a fever! ". scar yawned again " can you continue running your hand through my hair? it feels nice " 

i started running my hand through his hair as i continued my scolding, which scar didn't really care about.

" I can't believe you still went out despite the forecast! "

" Mhm "

" don't ' Mhm ' me! im not gonna let you go outside until you get better! "

" uh huh " 

" Take my word serious scar! im not gonna let you outside and if i catch you outside i will literally tie your wrist to the bed! "

 scar put the bowl down and leaned his head on my shoulder " im sorry cub, i just wanted to decorate around and didn't care about the forecast  " scar said quietly " im sorry " 

i frowned, ' is he guilt tripping me now? ' " you're making me feel guilty. " i said as i leaned my head on his " i love you "

scar smiled softly and held my hand " i love you too "

'•Jellie POV•'

i watched cub and scar as they continued talking to eachother

scar's head was leaning on cub's shoulder, cub's head was leaning on scar's

' are they gonna get together again? '

i laid down next to scar as he continued talking

' i hope so. . '



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