woken up ( grumbo )

433 14 1

created : april 2nd 2022

re-written : april 21st 2022 

'•3rd POV•'

Mumbo's eyes opened slowly, sunshine shining in his face

Mumbo blinked and looked down at the dirty blond in his arms, snuggling up to him

Mumbo smiled softly as he watched grian moving around in his arms ' cute '

' what time is it? '

'▪︎10 : 45 ▪︎'

' time to get up, i guess '

Mumbo carefully took his arms off of grian and got up, stretched, and stood up

mumbo looked back down at grian, who started stirring, till his eyes fluttered open


Grian's eyes fluttered open

He might have woken up because he felt cold, it didn't really matter

Grian tiredly looked up, seeing mumbo standing beside the bed, looking down at him

" mumbo. . . " grian mumbled tiredly " what are you doing? "

" i have to get up to do some redstone " mumbo replied

grian sat up and yawned "nhm, its too early though "

" honey, you don't have to get up with me ya know "

grian grabbed mumbo's hand and pulled him closer to the bed " if i don't want to get up, you don't want to get up either "

mumbo tried pulling his hand away " go back to sleep grian, you should probably sleep a little more "

grian slid off the bed and stood up " listen, if you won't sleep i won't either "

" grian- dont you dare- "

grian yawned and stretched his arms " im gonna watch you do redstone "

" grian, please just go back to bed, i'll be back in an hour or two " 

" we'll be back in an hour or two, mumbo " grian said walking to his closet " what are you gonna wire up mumbo? "

mumbo sighed " im gonna make another automatic farm "

grian giggled quietly ' i could throw a potato in the system- '

" please don't throw a potato in the system "

grian started laughing " how'd you know i wanted to throw a potato in the system? "

" you're making the stupid face you make when you wanna do something stupid. "

" meanie! "

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