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An envelope 

'•3rd POV•'

' im sorry, please forgive me

You meant so much to me, if i didn't say the things i did you would still be here

But i did, i said horrible things to you, and i hurt you. I know, and im sorry.

You were so sweet and kind, i wish you were still beside me here. 

I miss you, and Im so sorry, scar

I still care about you, i still want you, 

I still love you.

- Cub '

Scar closed the envelope and put it down on the table 

Scar cried quietly " i loved you too, Cub "

Maybe later 

'•3rd POV•'

" Pup "

Ren nuzzled his face in the crook of doc's neck " yes? "

Doc tried pushing ren away " can you let me go please? I have work to do " 

" Mhmph, Stay? "

Doc rolled his eyes and tried pushing ren off of him " Let go of me ren "

" Pleasee? " Ren asked again " you're always working. . "

Doc stritched behind ren's ears " Im never gonna do this again, so be grateful. " 

" Mmhp, Thank you. . "


'•3rd POV•'

Cub loved scar

Scar loved cub

Though, eachother didn't know the other felt the same way

Their friends always teased them, " he totally loves you back " ,they always told cub scar gawked at him when he wasn't looking

They always told scar cub would blush just at the mention of his name 

Not knowing it was true, neither believed them

Deep down, both hoped it was true.

It took cub a few months to tell scar, tell him how much he meant to him, how much he loved him, stuff like that.

Scar never thought the day would come, he never thought cub would return his feelings

" y-you love me? " scar asked cub. Scar blushed even harder when cub said he did " i love you. "

Scar looked down at the ground " i. . .i love you too. "

Cub stared in disbelief " you do? ", scar nodded, still looking at the ground " i never- thought you would love me back. "

Scar smiled at the flashback, looking at his beautiful diamond ring " i love you cubbie. . " scar mumbled quietly to himself 


'•3rd POV•'

Scar shivered as he opened the window ' its way too damn cold '

Scar shut the window as soon as the cold air hit his face

Even when the window was closed, it still was cold as hell

Somebody messed with the thermostat too much to the point it was stuck on the coldest degree

Scar sighed and went to cub's room

" cub, its so cold " scar whined

" i know sweetheart, its just i can't quite fix the thermostat "

Scar sat on cub's bed and snuggled up to cub

Cub wrapped his arms around scar " might as well "

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