Camping ( Mumbskall )

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'•iskall POV•'

I laid down inside on the bark of my omega tree and stared up at the leaves. Thoughts started circling my mind as i watched the leaves move in the wind 

' how many more leaves do i need to complete this? '

' what am i gonna do after i finish the tree? '

' i wonder how mumbo is '

i felt myself blush as i process the last thought. i sat up and blinked at the bark under me 

' gosh- my thoughts are getting more and more wild the more sleep deprived i am '

' but whats wrong with knowing how your friend is?? '

I chuckled as i processed that thought 

' " friend " '


i got snapped out of my thoughts as i heard my communicator ding and buzz. i grabbed my communicator ( its beside them ) and looked at the message i was sent


< MumboJumbo

>( hey iskall? ) 
>( wanna go camping with me? )

my heart started beating faster as i re-read the messages again and again. i blinked a couple of times and started typing again

                                    (  sure! )<             
                                (  where? )<
                          (  how long? )<

>( i'll just go to your base, we'll leave after maybe a day )
>( just pack your backpack )


i put my communicator back down, stood up, and started walking around 

' okay, its just a little hang out. . .in the woods. .alone. . .together. . .pfft- i know where this is going- '  i laugh while i blushed again' just a hang out. . .totally.  ' i stand up and start walking 

' where did i put my backpack again? ' i think as i turn a corner

i stop and stare at my backpack on the floor ' oh '

i chuckle, grab the backpack from the floor and started heading to get my flashlight and other stuff

' should i bring a sleeping bag or tent? ' i think as i shove my stuff in my backpack ' nah, we're probably gonna go in his BMW bus '

' flashlight, a pillow, for fun, batteries, yeah that should be it ' i zipped up my backpack and swung it on my back

i smiled as i heard heavy footsteps coming up the tree ' he's here '

i ran around the corner  " Mumbo Jumbo! how are ya? "

" im doing great iskall, and you? " mumbo said with a smile, huffing a little

' god he's adorable- ' " im also doing pretty well! " i say as i smile back at him

" anyway- " mumbo breathed in before continuing " lets go now? " 

" lead the way Mumbo "

" i hope you're reading for walking " mumbo says as he starts going down the tree " i can't possibly fly with this backpack on! "

ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕞𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕗𝕥 𝕕𝕣𝕒𝕓𝕓𝕝𝕖𝕤 / 𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤Where stories live. Discover now