Insomnia ( RenDoc )

538 16 2

'•Ren POV•'

I tossed and turned, unable to sleep

I sighed and sat up, turning my table lamp on and grabbing my phone' guess i won't be sleeping tonight ' i thought 

I looked at my alarm clock

'▪︎1 : 30 AM'▪︎

I sighed again and looked back at my phone. As my i turned my phone on, i squeezed my eyes shut since my wallpaper was blinding.

I unlocked my phone and turned the brightness down. I laid back down as i opened my youtube

' i really need sleep '


As i scrolled through my feed, i heard the lightswitch in the kitchen switch on

' . . .is. .that Doc? '

I quickly put my phone down and switched my lamp off, pulling the covers up to my shoulders

' why is he awake at this time? '

' step


step '

. . . .

' click '

I heard the door open, the lightswitch clicking on, and somebody, pretty sure Doc, walking towards the bed

' uh oh. . . '

I felt Doc put their hand on my cheek " Ren? Hon? " Doc whispered lovingly " are you awake? "

I hesitated ' should i answer him? '

' Maybe not. . '

I kept my eyes shut and didn't move, hoping he would leave

Doc took his hand off of my cheek, but instead of leaving the room, he sat down beside me and ran his hand through my messy, unkempt hair.

" i know you're awake hon " Doc said as he scritched behind my ears

' crap. '

' uh- what do i say ' 

" why are you awake? " i said quietly, my eyes still closed. Doc chuckled slightly before saying " i was just woken up and i wanted to go do some stuff, how about you? "

I yawned and opened my eyes " i couldn't sleep so i stayed up " i answered

Doc looked into my tired eyes, and i looked at his " your eyes are so pretty. . " Doc mumbled lovingly

I blushed slightly " your eyes are pretty too. "  Doc laughed slightly  " you're adorable you know that? "

" of course, im beautiful AND amazing. " i said confidently.

Doc continued running his hands through my hair, smiling. 

" you're such a softie  " i mumbled, closing my eyes again

Doc scoffed and pulled my hair, but not too hard " Im not a softie. "

" sure you aren't " I yawned and snuggled up in my bed " i feel so sleepy. . "

" goodnight hon " Doc said as he pulled his hand out of my hair, starting to stand up

I pulled his hand back before he could walk away 

 " wait,

Can you stay? just for tonight? "

Doc nodded with a gentle smile and sat back down on the bed " of course, my darling "

" pfft- don't call me that. "

( ayee! i got my phone back and i wrote this! writing will be sm easier with my phone back


thank you guys so much for reading my stuff! means a lot :)) )

ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕞𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕗𝕥 𝕕𝕣𝕒𝕓𝕓𝕝𝕖𝕤 / 𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤Where stories live. Discover now