Stars ( Scarian )

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'•Grian POV•'

" hey, uh, " I held my hand out towards scar " wanna go somewhere? " i signaled to the forest " in the forest "

Scar looked at me with hesitation and confusion " at night? ".

" you don't have to come with me scar "

Scar shook his head no " No, no, i wanna come with you " scar said as he put his hand on mine " just kinda hesitant "

" hesitant about what? " i ask. " just a little hesitation, i mean, its 10PM and you're gonna bring me in that forest? " scar said as he pointed at the entrance to the forest " kinda sketchy "

 " don't worry " i say with a smile " nothing bad will happen when you're in my company, now lets go shall me? " i say as i squeeze his hand. " yeah, lets go " scar said with a nod.

i smiled again before turning and leading him into the forest

" where are we gonna go gri? " scar asked as i lead him in the forest " its a surprise " i replied " be careful about the branches "

Scar pushed branches that were too low to the side " are there snakes. .? "

" No, this is completely safe "

" sure? "

I squeezed his hand again " promise "

" okay, i trus- OouCh! "

I snickered and looked back at scar " branch? "

" b-branch " scar confirmed, shoving the branch out of his face

I looked back forward, smiling to myself and continued leading him deeper through the forest " i haven't brought anyone here, until now of course "

" so this is like your little hang out? In the forest? " scar asks

I nod before answering " yep, i always go here when i need to clear my mind. Happens a lot actually "

" have you ever brought anybody else here? "

" No, you're special "

" aww! i feel very special right now! " 

' you're always special '

We stopped talking for a bit, listening to the forest around us. Every now and then we'd have to stop because of the low branches

" are we there yet grian? " i heard scar ask quietly, lifting up another branch " these branches are getting annoying to be honest "

I squeezed scar's hand to reassure him that  " we're almost there scar, almost there "

i turned back and realised the moonlight was brighter. and that meant that ' we're already here '. so started walking faster, lifting up a log and dropping it, as i stepped onto the grassy field  " we're here scar " 

scar let go of my hand, struggling to lift the log up " you could've kept the log lifted up so i can walk through but okay "

" you can just walk over it? "

" . . . .oh right " scar said as he hopped over the log " why did you lift the log up if you could just hop over? did- did you want to confuse me? "

" whatever- have you seen where we are? " i say as i grab his hand and pull him closer

" huh? " 

i chuckled at his confusion " look around scar " 

" oh- woah " scar said as he looked up at the sky " its so pretty here! "

" its why i always come here scar " i say as i drag him to the middle of the field where a picnic cover lay " sit down scar "

" you even have a picnic cover? " scar says as he sits down beside me. " yeah, its just really nice to lay down and look at the night sky ya know? " i lean my head on his shoulder " its really nice to look at the stars "

scar paused before leaning his head on mine " yeah, the stars were always really pretty "

" i really love star gazing, like, the stars are so pretty. like that one! " i point at a rigel, brightly shining star " thats a rigel star! its one of the brightest stars! and oh! look at that one! " i point at a capella star " stars are so bright and beautiful! look at that pollux star! that acrux star! wait- im rambling, sorry scar  "

scar chuckled " No, its okay grian. you can ramble all you want to, its okay, hey! look at that star! " he said as he pointed at an orange star " what star is that one? "

" an antares star! no wait, a betelgeuse? gah! i can't tell! theres too many orange stars! "

scar laughed and wrapped an arm around my waist " what's your favourtie star grian? " 

" uhm. .uh- well the hadar star looks pretty! but an altair looks brighter- the deneb is also very pretty! gosh, i love all the stars dammit! you can't make me chose! " 

" pfft, you're super into astronomy and yet you don't know your favourite star? "

i shot him a glare " all stars are too pretty to chose from! whats your favourite star? "

" well, personally. .my favourite star. ." scar trailed off

i elbowed his side " what is your favourite star?! "

" my favourite star, is obviously, this one " he said as he pointed at me " you are my star grian. "


ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕞𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕗𝕥 𝕕𝕣𝕒𝕓𝕓𝕝𝕖𝕤 / 𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤Where stories live. Discover now